Wednesday 30 March 2022

Spring In March

I've been on several bird-watching walks recently (more accurately "bird-searching", as we didn't necessarily find what we were looking for), but it was mostly in places that I know well, so didn't yield many photos - just a few from around Paxton Pits and along the Great Ouse river. I also treated myself to a new lens for my camera, one that lets me get very close to small subjects, and I've taken a few trial pictures with that. So I'll share those pictures here, all mixed up and intermingled, to give you an idea of how spring is progressing hereabouts:

Looking across Hayling Lake at Paxton Pits nature reserve.

A tiny daisy on the churchyard wall.

Celandine in the meadow.

Weeping willows coming into leaf along the Great Ouse.

Blackthorn blossom.

Geese flying above, geese swimming below
 - and sandwiched in between
 Cormorants perched, and in some cases nesting, in the trees.

A dandelion happily growing in a crack in a wall.

And another daisy on the churchyard wall.

The floodplain of the Ouse.

The tiny flowers of Herb Robert growing on the wall at Topcliffe Mill.

Take care.


  1. Wonderful blue skies and spring flowers. Seems we are in for a return to winter temperatures for a few days. Hopefully it won't kill off the new plants that are emerging everywhere.

  2. You must be enjoying the results of your new lense - those close up captures of the flowers are great - the Herb Robert, the daisy and even the dandelion look really exotic.

  3. Thank you. I love the persistence of dandelions...

  4. I would say that your initial foray into closeup photography has yielded very good results, John. It surely must be one of the contradictions of spring that, having looked for signs of it as winter surrenders its grip on the landscape, if the first flower is a dandelion many a gardener seeks immediately to destroy it. I am organizing a cheering section for the dandelion!

  5. Hi John - I concur with David ... that lens is working well - enjoy using it. Spring is definitely in the air, though the winter witch is bringing her bite down for a few days - after that I hope we're back to Spring, warmer days with these lovely long daylight hours. Cheers - looking forward to more close-ups and photos of the Cambridge area ... Hilary

  6. You certainly are a talented photographer, John. I often save many of your photos to my computer as I enjoy looking at them. Such beauty always lifts my spirits! Thank you!

  7. Great work with the new lens! I love your closeups already, and now you're going to do even more!! Those willows are such a vision of the pale green! Delicate yet vibrant.

  8. Love seeing the spring blooming there. Your photos remind me that I have been wanting to photograph all of the little flowers that find their ways through all of the crack and crevices of our cemented sidewalks and streets. The persistence of life is a beautiful thing to see.

  9. Gosh, all the beautiful spring plants are blossoming. Ours haven't yet. Your weather must be a bit warmer than here. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. That new macro lens and you did a fine job of capturing the closeups of many understated blooms, John. Not sure if I have asked before about the type of equipment you use for your photo outings. years ago I used Pentax 35mm SLRs and later Canon digital SLRs. Now, I no longer have any camera with zoom capabilities.

    1. You have asked me, but it's a Nikon DSLR with a couple of zoom lenses.

    2. Thanks, John, and yes I remembered after asking the question.

  11. Great macro shots, John. You captured the beauty of the flowers and their blooms.

  12. Beautiful flower shots and I love the willow shot too.

  13. Spring is bursting out all over! Love the blooms!

  14. Your new lens are very good, macros are wonderful!

  15. Those naughty dandelions will grow just about anywhere!!!!
    Love those spring flowers, especially Herb Robert, always loved them. No spring here, as I look out of my window I see a grey cold windy day.

  16. Beautiful shots. Your spring is weeks ahead of ours.

  17. Having fun with your lens is it a macro lens? the little flowers look great well done.

    1. Yes, it's a macro, I've dithered about whether to buy one for a long time!

  18. Nice shots taken with your new lens. It’s always a joy for me to find a small flower emerging from crevice of wall, hidden until spring arrives.


  19. Además de las aves, has encontrado una gran variedad de flores. La primavera, ya está aquí.

  20. Looks like this was such a pleasant day! I loved the flowers, but most of all I loved the one with the weeping willows.

  21. Nice macros. Those lenses can be infuriating to focus with. Such a shallow DoF. Must get mine out again and have another session.

  22. What a wonderful day. If you want some white too, I can send you a little bit snow..
    I like all those spring flowers.

  23. Nice to get right up close with those little flowers. I think the lenses were a good addition to your equipment, Spring is moving along in your area!

  24. Oh such delicate daisies!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).