Monday, 29 August 2011

Quy Country Fair

I spent much of today at the Country Fair at Quy (it rhymes with "why" not with "key"). The photographs should tell you all you need to know.

A mighty steam traction engine

The taxidermist's art

Donkey rides for the children

Chain-saw sculptor

and one of his creations

An old Fordson

Making "skeps" - beehives

Terrier racing - with very small jockeys!

An Austin 7

There were lots of stalls selling everything for huntin', shootin' and fishin', clay pigeon shooting, fish'n'chips,a bar, conservation stands, fairground rides and numerous other things which escaped the attention of my camera. I'll post some more pics tomorrow.

For more photos of the country fair click here.

Take care.


  1. Sounds like a real fun fair John and those hand-woven baskets are gorgeous!

  2. This sounds like a good, proper fair. I love those chainsaw carved sculptures and the old tractors and steam engines!

  3. Looks like a wonderful day out! I love the old country crafts like basket weaving and skep making and the wood sculpture is amazing. I know taxidermy isn't to everyone's taste but having worked in a couple of museums with Victorian 'stuffed bird' collections I'm used to seeing it as just another country craft and tradition. I've really enjoyed your photos:)

  4. Looks like a very large fair, John, and the smiling faces tell it all. Great photography! Jim

  5. This looks such a lovely fair - so much better than ours in Wensleydale - where is this Quy John?

  6. I've never heard of Quy - if you'd have asked me of the name of a place starting with Q I wouldn't have known one. I do now! That old traction engine is so splendid. I keep meaning to visit a steam fair again.

  7. Glad you all seem to have enjoyed our trip to the fair. The fair is more a "country sports" fair than an agricultural one, but lots of associated themes seem to be incorporated. I think I would like the Wensleydale show - always like to see some farm animals. Quy is a small village just a few miles east of Cambridge. It's sometimes marked on maps as Stow-cum-Quy which is the name of the parish, but even Stow and Quy together don't amount to much! Quendon and Queen Adelaide are not too far from here. More photos from Quy tomorrow.

  8. Our county fair is a mix I guess one could say. The exhibits have sewing, art work, pies, breads cakes and jellies along with farm animals and plants. There are also rides and the inevitable vendors hawking their wares. It's a great way to spend the day especially with the grand children.

  9. The wood sculpture is simply amazing work! The Austin 7 looks like an early prototype of the Smart Car :^)


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