Friday 10 November 2023

Fair Play

In September and October, you may remember, we visited a few country fairs of various kinds. Although I try to concentrate on what's going on - or at least the bits that interest me - I also occasionally like to play around with small details of the scene. It might be a fragment of an ornate mechanical organ, a steam engine, a rusty tractor or the fairground rides. Here's a small selection....

Take care.


  1. You have a great eye John - lovely collection of pleasing images.

  2. The difference between an excellent photographer (you) and a poor one (me) I would never even think of taking photos of parts of something, but they are so interesting

  3. The devil is in the detail as they say. You had a keen eye, John.

  4. Fscinating pictures John. Especially like the snippet of what looks to me like a bit of the "Flying Chairs" - gosh that brings back memories of 80 years ago when The Fair came to the South Common in Lincoln. Those were the days!

  5. Lovely photos. You've spotted some wonderful details on your visits:)

  6. How fun to see, John. Thanks for these closeups of the colorful details.

  7. That's an interesting look when you concentrate on details.

  8. It looks like just about everything had a coat of fresh paint on it! I loved seeing the horses' names on them!

  9. Great examples of some lovely details. Good eye, John.

  10. These are hidden beauty in these signs!

  11. What beautiful colors and patterns. There is art in surprising places sometimes.

  12. Oh. These are so nice. You do have a good eye.

  13. Colorful “Less is More” art. You have a mastery of capturing details.

  14. I found David's remark interesting because I'd always heard it that 'God is in the details'. I love these pictures. Are the horses on the Merry-go-rounds here named? I shall have to pay more attention.

    You really are a great photographer.

  15. I love this post, John. We should all be as observant as you are.

  16. Such events are wonderful for capturing details. You noticed some interesting things.

  17. First thing I drove was a Fordson Major, I was around 15 at the time

  18. John, it is often the little details that are most amazing vs. the overall image. This was a wonderful and very colorful selection.

  19. These are lovely. You have a great eye for finding the little details, John. My friend Jocelyn has the same ability. We can stand side by side photographing and I'm always amazed at what she has seen and photographed.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).