Tuesday 31 October 2023

The Outs And Ins Of Early Autumn

I always get rather impatient at this time of year, waiting for the full blaze of autumn glory to show up. On our little island, warmed by the influence of ocean currents and westerly winds bringing drizzly rain, autumn takes a long time to arrive. But that doesn't stop me from going outside to look....

And all I find is confusion!

A few oak leaves are playing the game; though most of the tree will resolutely hang on to her green gown for a few more weeks.

In the churchyard the little recently-planted maple glows like the embers of an October bonfire while its neighbours still think it's summer.

But I'm trying to focus on autumn today - or am I?.....

These back-lit, unfocussed leaves somehow remind me of modern stained glass.

And the same autumn colours are nicely reflected in the waters of the little River Mel.

Those half-dozen photos are all I came home with from my walk, though on the way back through the village street I frequently stopped and pocketed any fallen leaf that caught my eye. After a cup of tea I BluTac'ed the leaves to an upstairs window and got out my macro lens and small tripod. This is what I came up with from my indoor experiment...

And that's all I have to say about our autumn so far.

Take care.


  1. I really, really like your experiments. I hope the autumnal aboreal fireworks blaze for you soon.

  2. I love the stained glass style photo in the churchyard and your ideas for an experiment. I definitely saw signs of autumn tints in the leaves when we drove to Herefordshire last week and also so many berries and Old Man's Beard. Let's hope autumn in all its glory will arrive soon.

  3. Veins in the leaves can be such a wonder. Fabulous ideas!

  4. I like your experiments, something different. I don't think nature and confusion ever go together though - all is as it should be at any particular (not man-made) time.

  5. Lovely. There is something about that sage green and red combination.

  6. Well done. It does look like stained glass. There is a great deal of beauty in these leaves and you have captured it well. The artistic side of you blossomed today, John, and the maple leaf stirred my less than overtly patriotic heart!

  7. Love that close look at the leaves! So creative!

  8. Those leaf closeups look like maps of cities taken from high above. You are clever, John!

  9. The close ups of the leaves are great. The oaks really turned orange here this week.

  10. Great close ups of the leaves some of them remind me of town maps with streets running from major roads. Yes, many trees are half and half this year, some definitely autumnal others clinging to late summer:)

  11. All the photos are so beautiful. It's wonderful to see the leaves changing color on the trees and then to see these close-up views. A great idea, John! (NewRobin13)

  12. John, love your photos, especially the macro shots of the veined leaves - remind me so much of road maps!
    Devon visit was great as always - no place like home, one's real home - even though it's changed so much!
    Happy Autumn - Mary

  13. Se alternan los colores rojizos de otoño, con los verdes que teníamos en el verano.
    Un abrazo

  14. After this next storm I'm not so sure we'll have any leaves left on the trees. I like the watery photo.

  15. Some of the trees have gotten the message that it's fall. Be thankful that it happens slowly. Here's practically over and there are another 50+ days of this season left.

  16. Wonderful idea! Love the picture of the water surface.

  17. Beautiful close ups..and I like the water shot too

  18. I love your indoor photos! Amazing!

  19. Does anyone know what happened to the blog
    Sinbad and I on the Loose

    1. Sadly John passed away suddenly two or three months ago. There was a comment posted on his last blogpost to that effect. They also said that Beans was being looked after.

  20. Interesting patterns and colors, John.

  21. I love your indoors experiment, I'm going to have to give that a go! Beautiful colours.

  22. Those last five pictures prompt me to say,'That's more like it!'

  23. That second picture is breath taking. Just gorgeous.

  24. My "full blaze" is long gone, and just last evening we had a dusting of snow! I watch Gardeners' World and am amazed, amazed at the weather.

  25. Your macro images are stunning. What a fabulous idea to reveal the exquiste beauty of each leaf.

  26. Always inspiring - different aspects highlighting autumn's glorious colours. Thank you


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