Wednesday 27 March 2019

A Dekko At Sawbo

I interrupted my Saturday stroll alongside the River Stort Navigation to visit Great St Mary's church in Sawbridgeworth. But first here are a few photos of the little town (population about 9,000)…..

For anyone who hasn't worked it out:
            Sawbo is the local pet name for Sawbridgeworth; it even turns up on the local council's website.
              and Dekko, in case you don't know, is British slang for "a look". It comes from a Hindi word picked up by soldiers serving in India.

Take care.


  1. It is not hard to understand why English-speaking visitors from other parts of the world think they are in a non-English speaking country when visiting Britain!

  2. Hi John - love the japonica with the forsythia (that has really come out with full vengeance this year) - both gorgeous, as too that huge magnolia. It looks a beautiful village ...

    I'd have spelt decko with 'a c' ... but see it can be spelt either way ... yet the Hindi word was 'dekho' - apparently ... but my trusted Websters is still in store ... so can't verify - what I'm saying!

    Lovely place to visit and to show us - thank you ... cheers Hilary

  3. What a pretty little place. We're so lucky to have such pleasant towns, shown off so prettily in Spring. Hilary - I wondered what the red blossom was... japonica, thank you!

  4. Great looking little town...clean, brightly painted. Thanks for explaining the sounded good anyway.

  5. What a lovely town. I've never heard of "dekko" or "sawbo" but love the sound of it.

    1. Dekko was a word my father used frequently, he probably picked it up when he was serving in the army.

  6. Now that place looks full of history

  7. Pretty little town John and not a speck of litter anywhere that I could see.
    Magnificent Magnolias out too.

  8. A beautiful town, looks very quiet and clean.

  9. The flowers in the first photo are gorgeous. I don’t recognize them but i see in the comments they are japonica. I enjoyed our dekko around spring in Sawbo.

  10. great spring there I think earlier than in PolaND

  11. Sawbo is a beautiful place for a Dekko

  12. What pretty flowering trees!

  13. Sawbo looks like a popular spot for the canal boats to anchor for a while John. Very pretty town, really enjoyed this wee dekko, we use it here to 😊

  14. I could live in a town like that and be most content!

  15. Love love all the blossoms1

  16. I used the expression dekko a lot as in "let's have a dekko" when I grew up in England, but as it's not used here in Canada, it dropped out of my vocabulary.... hmmmm, must start using it again and teach my grandies to use it.

  17. Ahh - now you're making me nostalgic about England, John! Gorgeous magnolia. (Thank you too for dropping by my blog)

  18. It sure is an attractive place to visit...I like how they paved around the tree instead of cutting it down. We are still waiting on magnolias, etc, but do see a few daffodils in bloom.

  19. This look just how I picture a countryside town.


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