Friday 29 January 2016

A Place In The Country

Work, the weather and other commitments have prevented me 
getting out and about recently.
So here's a selection of photos taken during the last year or so
showing some of the cottages to be found in the villages 
that I've walked or cycled through.
Some are beautifully maintained while others need a little help.

Take care.


  1. Great photos, just so English.

  2. Such charming houses! Lovely shots.

  3. You obviously live in a beautiful part of England!

  4. Love those English gardens, cottages and homes.
    I'm especially fond of the photo with the blue door.

  5. #'s 2 and 4 inspire me the most, even thought they are all beautiful. Doors always have a special meaning for me. What is behind those doors?

  6. Love the photos, especially the colourful doors.

  7. Such cute homes! Nice photo collection.

  8. Wonderful. Some of them remind me of what it must be like to have decent weather...

  9. Recently the weather prevents me to go out also. It's snowing almost every day. I am always curious about interesting houses and how people decorate them. I love your pictures and especially the picture of old house and it's door.

  10. All idyllic, all way too expensive for any potential young rural homeowners...

  11. We don't see that many places in disrepair on your travels. So they do exist there after all. Big difference between the blue door and yellow door.

  12. A beautiful series of photos. I love seeing cottages in your neck of the woods.

  13. Like the sunny days in these photos John - we could do with some of that kind of weather for our garden at the moment.

  14. Your photos are wonderful. I especially like the one with the yellow door and faded white siding. I like places that are reflective of age. -- barbara

  15. You have things keeping you from wandering the countryside with your camera? I thought I was the only one. (The house in the next to last photograph needs some roof work soon or a cave-in is in its future.)

  16. These are absolutely wonderful. The first two are just so inviting...and the one with the yellow door so appeals to me. If I was a painter, I would ask you for permission to paint it, but I am not so I won't be asking...

  17. Yes, it is that time of year! I have to say, I really appreciated seeing the flowers! Makes me anxious for spring.

  18. I hope that one day soon I will be back in a cottage like one of these. Loved living in a thatch apart from hearing rats scurry up the walls outside to go to bed :) I think this time I would go for a more finished one rather than a doer upper!! Lovely photos of these charming places.

  19. Lovely photos! England's countryside looks so beautiful... and even the cosmos flowers seem bigger than here. :)

  20. John, I've fixed a mistake from the past. Thanks for sending me back to check Henry VIII's wives, so I think I now have it right in my post on the Tudor Garden at Sudeley Castle.

  21. A great set of images John! The cottage in the first image would make a super Jigsaw!

  22. I don't care if they need some help, they are still so lovely cottages.

  23. Very nice collection. Actually, the cottages that need the most help are the most photogenic to my way of thinking. ;)

  24. I do love those thatched roof cottages. Long may they remain

  25. Some of those cottages need some tender loving care, and others are charming and show the care they are receiving.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).