Sunday 3 December 2023

Calendar Time

Those of you who've been following this blog for a while will be familiar with my yearly collection of photos - one from each month - that usually sees the light of day each December. If I'm a little early this year it's because I have a slight cold at present and it's horrible outside. So grab a cup of tea and a mince pie and drift through the year with me. Starting in....













November and December's pictures date from 2022, otherwise all shots were taken this year. 

Take care.


  1. No tea and mice pie here, John, so coffee and a blueberry muffin will have to do as I browse through these award class pictures. Great retrospective. I hope your cold goes away soon.

    1. I see that I have created mice pie! Be sure to let me know how it tastes.

    2. I haven't tried mice pie, though I know that it's highly ratted by some.

  2. It’s that time of year again. Nice collection of photos for a British countryside calendar. Take care of yourself.

  3. Hi John and David ... for some reason I saw my first rat in Eastbourne last night - it was xxll-freezing cold ... and then I had no water for 12 hours ... so mince pies would be great with tea or coffee. I was talking to some friends about rats and lack of sightings - now I can update them! I love your calendar photos - excellent choices - oh how I long for March, though I know the cold snap is essential for our natural world ... we seem to have forgotten by-gone days - when in winter I always set out with food, water, spade etc in case I encountered difficult times. Cheers - well with the mince pie on a platter in front of me - take care and I hope that cold goes soon. Please leave it up there?! ... Hilary

    1. Oh Hilary. No water? Ugh. And the same for the rat.

  4. As always (which I tend to remind myself and you) your photos are so well taken, just amazingly enjoyable and good art of photography. Hope you feel better soon, and can resume your treking about!

  5. Beautiful photos, I'm green with envy at your skill.
    The January one is especially brilliant.

  6. All glorious, John. Hope you feel better soon. I'm recovering from Covid but on the mend, just stuck at home for a bit. Your photos lifted my spirits!

  7. Such a beautiful stroll through the year in photos there. A lovely calendar, John. (NewRobin13)

  8. A beautiful year. May is the winner for me, John.

  9. So many wonderful pictures, but honestly, I have a passion for ancient trees. November just takes my breath away. If you ever did put together a calendar, I would buy it!

  10. A brilliant set of images as always John. Don't know how you do it.

  11. Isn't it lovely to be reminded of the almost miraculous progression of life through the seasons? Hope you soon feel better. Snowy here so I've not been out today either. I need it to be crisp if I'm going out in the snow, not wet and foggy!

  12. What a glorious retrospective. Thank you.

  13. I have my freshly made mince pie and tea to hand and have really enjoyed my stroll through your 12 months of 2023.
    A cheery sight for me today was seeing those little white harbingers of Spring already poking through the ground in our garden.

  14. Beautiful selection of photos, John.

  15. I am relatively new to your blog so appreciate your precis of your year in photographs. I plan to visit more often in the New Year. You have a good eye. What camera do you use?

    1. Nikon D5600. It's getting a bit old now but I've no plans to replace it till it breaks down completely.

  16. Brilliant selection/collection of photos! Hope you're feeling better.

  17. A wonderful collection, John, and i was hard pressed to select my favorite month, but I do have a couple of favorites - May because of the purple blooms (my favorite color) and December because of the snow, which we have yet to get here in NH to date. I hope that you will be feeling better soon, rest up and enjoy a cuppa with the pie!

  18. A reminder of the special feeling and look of each month as they pass by...whiz by is more like it, actually. February is my favorite this time.

  19. A great selection. Thought at first you were going for a bid in every photo but looked back ad didn't see one in February after spotting them in Jan, March, and April. Hope your cold is better. Would love some mince pie. My mom used to make it at this time of year.

  20. Awesome set of photos. It tells the story of the year.

  21. Beautiful pictures, as always, John. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing the beauty of England with us.

  22. Beautiful photos, all wonderful but January is stunning:)

  23. Wonderful pictures! I can't decide which is my favourite, January or September.

  24. Wonderful photos as always, John. Doug says would you mind him using one of your photos as the base for a painting.

    1. That would be absolutely fine, maybe you'll be able to show us the finished result if all goes well.

  25. I love that you asked us to 'drift' through your year and your first photo is of a bird 'drifting' through that wondrous sunset. I love your choices especially the stunning bluebells. I wonder how long it took you to make your selection?

    1. All year! I put aside one or two likely candidates each month - and chop and change several times too!

  26. Beautiful photography, John! Of course, impossible to pick a favorite. Each month is outstanding in it's own right. Some day I'll have to try a mince pie!

  27. Well done and yes beautiful photos. Can I steal your idea?

    1. Of course - though I think someone thought of calendars a long time ago!

  28. Bliss to look at John. I want that calendar hanging on my kitchen wall. Every month is a joy - February - so green in what is usually a horrible month. A very happy Christmas to both you and your brother - asmy life gets limited I look forward to your uplifting photographs - every time you post ir makes my day.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).