Thursday 5 April 2012

Blooming Marvellous!

Just a few photos to let you know that I'm OK again. Thanks for your kind words in comments and e-mails. I went out for a stroll this afternoon; these are some of the photos I found along the way:

Take care.


  1. Nice images, John. Glad you are on the mend.

  2. Hope the "Blooming Marvelous" refers to how you feel, John.

  3. Good news post John. That's a wonderful first shot of the coral-coloured tulips against that rustic wall background. Take care!

  4. Great John ... Nothing worse than food poisoning ... So pleased you are back taking photos & enjoying life.

  5. A beautiful collection of spring images John. My favorite is your rendition of the daffodils. Very glad you are feeling better. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :^)

  6. Glad you're feeling better. I like the way the daffys are shining against the sky. Have a blessed Easter.

  7. Being sick sure didn't hurt your picture-taking eye. I'm glad you're up and about again. There was something going around here in the US that hit like you describe; those who had it were astounded at how sick they were, so fast.

  8. Glad you are on the mend John - does sound like food poisoning. I love that photo of cydonia japonica - one of my favourite shrubs. We had terrible blizzards here and the tulips were laid flat but today they are standing up again - nature is so resilient - as are you by the sound of it.

  9. Ah, the photos reflect your improved health and attitude.


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