
Thursday 10 November 2016

Light Entertainment

This afternoon I took my mother down to the Village Hall for her monthly Mothers' Union meeting. Then I had a couple of hours to kill.

A stroll down to the river beckoned. There was a little fleeting afternoon sun and a tinge of Autumn colour on the trees.

All very pleasant down by The Shallows, looking across to Trumpington Fen.

One of this year's cygnets was admiring his reflection in the water - "Me a swan? Go on!"

The light was just acquiring that late afternoon golden glow. But clouds were gathering.

The wind was in the north-west and dark rainclouds were rolling in, meanwhile the sun was manfully battling through from the south-west.

Then suddenly....

 Time to run for home.

Or to hang around, get wet and enjoy the show.

The rain cleared within a few minutes, leaving moody skies.

The sun settled down slowly in the west at the day's end.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes the entertainment for today.

Take care.


  1. What a great way to occupy your day John and your Mum got to spend time at the Village Hall. Your pics are really lovely with little touches of autumnal colours.

  2. High quality entertainment indeed! I was going to tell you which are my favorite photos, but unable to do so. All are outstanding. Wait... the shot of the couple running towards the rainbow is a standout!

  3. What a show! Love rainbows, almost worth the rain. You show a good use of time whilst your mum is happily occupied. Always take the chance of a walk and some photos!

  4. Such a beautiful progression of photos!

  5. No sufficient words come . . . . . . . . .

  6. Nice way to " kill a couple of hours"!

  7. what a nice weather for a photograph !

  8. Hi John - fantastic photos ... and as you say serene one minute, rocking 'n rollin' the next ... lovely to see the Fen .. cheers Hilary

  9. Your couple of hours were fantastic. What a nice set of photos to remember the day. The rainbow is absolutely beautiful.

  10. WOW ... brilliant photography. Going to go through it all again!! Enjoyed this so much. Kind regards, Louise S, Cheshire.

  11. Thanks for taking us along your 'free' afternoon. The Autumn colours are beautiful as ever, and the -double- rainbow is a real treat for the eye!

  12. That's a lovely set of photographs, looks like the sort of place I'd like to try and sketch. Badly.

  13. Oh my gosh and entertaining it was John! Gorgeous images all but I totally love the seventh shot down, too cool! Hope your mum enjoyed the meeting as much as we enjoyed your photos ☺

  14. What a wonderful way to kill a few hours... fill it up with beauty. Love seeing that double rainbow there.

  15. What a pretty area in which to while away an hour or two - or three. That last capture is spectacular John! Thank you for sharing.

  16. It pays to be kind to your Mother, - what a lovely opportunity for beautiful weather and sky pictures.

  17. "Me a swan? Go on!".... takes me back to listening to Children's Favourites on BBC radio! Beautiful pictures as usual. I love rainbows. My little granddaughter loves them too, they appear in all her drawings!

  18. And magnificnt entertainment it was! The light in the photos is wonderful. How lucky to see the rainbows. I'm sure you got the pot of gold!

  19. A super series of afternoon walk pics. The storm clouds and rainbows are stunning so too the late sun and aftermath.

  20. It's lovely to look at these breathtakingly beautiful and colorful images of nature. I've almost already forgotten what the nature can be when here is only black and white (lots of snow and black driveways and trees).

  21. Beautiful photos from what looks like a lovely walk.

  22. Double rainbow, double promise. Very dramatic last photo.

  23. What a delightful time! So many different things to see in that little time span. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Two hours of beauty and walking wrapped up with a rainbow and sunset? Complete bliss!

  25. This is a wonderful set of the rainbow shots of course. I love the one right before the rainbows and the one with the gate in it...


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