
Monday 14 November 2016

Once More With Feeling

At the end of my recent post about Old Mills I popped in a photograph that was quite a departure for me. I'd added a texture to the picture and, what was very unusual indeed, I found that I liked it. Somebody was rash enough to comment that they liked it too. So now there's no stopping me; I keep pulling out old shots and experimenting with more textures. 

Here's some of the results:

That's probably enough of that for now, though I think we do miss out on something by viewing our photos on screens rather than having them printed on papers that would allow us to touch and feel them beneath our fingers.

As well as these textures which add an impression of tactile roughness, which I hope is appropriate to the chosen images, there are also some completely daft possibilities with the photo-editing programme which I use - like having little numbers, letters or musical notes all over a photo - why would you want to do that?

Musician Lucy Farrell of Emily Portman's Coracle Band fighting gamely through a whirlwind of musical notation!

Take care.


  1. It's really fun to play, John. That's enough reason to do it!

  2. Those leaves look great! Nice treatment John.

  3. What fun! I too enjoy appreciating the vast array of textures that nature provides - smooth pebbles, grainy sand, various tree bark formations, leaves, etc. Thanks for allowing us to share in your creative spirit!

  4. No. 2 is my favourite, but all of them are neat. The textured effect makes you want to touch the pics.

  5. Very interesting ideas for those photos.

  6. Lovely, John. And isn't it fun!

  7. Hi John - it's good to have a new project ... wonderful to see your early results - cheers Hilary

  8. There is nothing like a real print of picture. It just a pity that we can't print all of them. This may be a way to get some of the effects, at lest of canvas.

  9. These look very pretty John.

  10. There is a warmth emanating from the images...well I can feel

    Splendid and clever images John! Image 3 is my fave!

  11. I love these pictures John; they are so pleasing on the eye.

  12. I love your photo editing fun! It's always so cool to see what you come up with. Beautiful textures and musical notes.

  13. The texture is really interesting. I try to do the same with some of my paintings but it doesn't always work out. So much easier to get rid of mistakes with photoshop than having to paint them over!
    That poor girl is going to get hit in the head with a flying semi-quaver if she's not more careful!

  14. Your addition of texture is beautiful and adds a new element to the photos. I love texture but always want to feel it with my hands, not just view it with my eyes. Now, can you do that?!!

  15. I like the musical note addition! I see it alot (this graphic addition to a photo) in commercial art. If it works with the image, great. It won't, however, may a blah image great. I think your textures work nicely with the images. Keep 'em coming.

  16. I enjoyed them all...I used to play with photographs but spent way too much time. These almost make me want to start again. LOL

  17. Well these are amazing so experiment away! I particularly like the second one.

  18. Yes superb bit of art John. Great stuff.

  19. You are such a clever old coot.


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