
Sunday 6 November 2016

Old Mills In Autumn

Old Mills is the old name for Byron's Pool, a local nature reserve just outside Cambridge. It takes Byron's name from the story that the poet used to swim here during his student days at Cambridge. Well, so did many other people and, other than a few quickly fading ripples on the surface of the river, he left no mark here, not even a mention in his poetry.

Earthworks and pits associated with the watermill which once stood here, on the other hand, can still be traced on the ground and the place was also mentioned in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It seems a shame that the name Old Mills is virtually unknown these days.

Autumn has come to some trees here while others still green, taking advantage of what little protection is afforded by the river valley, which is barely a blemish on this flat landscape. 

The turbulent little stream, which has been created to allow fish to pass up-river beyond the weir, is always a favourite haunt of mine. I can't resist slowing down the shutter speed to see what shows up in the rushing waters.

The green weed-covered pond, bejewelled with yellow leaves, was once a fish-pond associated with the mill. Fish that were caught in the millstream were placed in the ponds to provide a source of food during the long winter months.

Even this single twig is uncertain about whether it's time for Autumn yet.

This may be the first time I've ever used the little built-in flash in my camera. And I'm not really sure what inspired me to take a few shots with it on this particular day. Anyway I quite like the end result - though all the other shots I took with it were quickly deleted.

The somnolent River Cam loiters reflectively above the weir, wondering whether or not to take the plunge.

A solitary red leaf on a carpet of yellows and browns. The wind is becoming chill, the rooks are flying to roost, my bicycle is waiting locked up to the fence and I must make my way home.

Take care.


  1. Such a gorgeous place, John. I especially love the last photo!

  2. I have a feeling that after today and yesterday, the trees are now going to shed their leaves very quickly. What a wonderful and inspiring place John.

  3. Hi John ... your photos are wonderful ... I'd keep quiet about Byron's pool .. so you can enjoy it in peaceful repose ... yes, the winter has come - even I felt cold today ... so the wind has reached the south coast! Cheers Hilary

  4. Maybe Byron left some poetry "in the air" for you to pick up with you camera - it seems to have worked.

  5. A very nice series, John. I tried to take some photos of simple leaves in New England on Friday, but mine weren't anywhere as good as yours. You stimulate me to delete them.

  6. Old Mills is gorgeous. I love your first photo, it's very peaceful looking. Fantastic leave photos with all their colours out for display. Nice!!

  7. Another fascinating place near your home, John! Lovely images.
    The twig in the fifth photo is perhaps my favourite. First I imagined it floating on the water, but it seems to float in the air... like the poetry as suggested in the nice comment of visualnorway.

  8. Lovely scenes and colors. I see you have the same amount of green in your fall as we do here in Washington.

  9. A glorious series of images, John - thank you for sharing the journey. That collection of autumnal leaves is delightful. Your turns of phrase are also quite enchanting! Wishing you a marvellous day in every way.

  10. A great collection of autumnal photos! I really like the slow shutter stream with the leaves floating along!

  11. I love seeing the colours of autumn there. Your journey was lovely through the woods and along the creek.

  12. You really captured the mood in these...loved seeing them all.

  13. You have surpassed yourself John, with beautiful photos...

  14. What a incredibly wonderful collection of fall colors. So beautiful.

  15. Beautiful, as all your photos are.

  16. Beautiful. I am missing the wonderful colours of autumn

  17. What beautiful little spots you find to photograph. Love the colours the textures and the reflections.

  18. What wonderful autumn colors! I like your photos and editing.


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