
Sunday 20 September 2015

PerKelt On The Streets.

You never know what styles of music you'll find on the streets of Cambridge; acoustic guitarists, jazz saxophonists, string quartets, a man on the musical saw....I've seen them all.

But recently I encountered the music of Pavlína Bastlová playing recorders and Štěpán Honc on guitar. As you might guess from their names they're not from round these parts but hail from the Czech Republic and describe their music as "Medieval Celtic speed folk".

I couldn't help but interrupt my shopping to listen, stare and after a while record a little video for you all. I really can't understand how other people were able to hurry past without noticing.

So here they are playing a rather spectacular instrumental....

Quite possibly the best Medieval Celtic speed folk band ever to come out of the Czech Republic!

Take care.


  1. This is so haunting. A beautiful setting to let people hear and take time out from the business of shopping. Thanks for sharing this, it was lovely.

  2. Amazing music! I really enjoyed that.

  3. Most interesting John - I have never heard sound quite like that before. I am glad you took the trouble to record it.

  4. Liked the Celtic spirit of the music! -- barbara

  5. I quite agree. Three minutes and six seconds well spent.

  6. Oh, my, that music is haunting! It is wonderful.

  7. Medieval Celtic speed folk - what a wonderful description

  8. I have never heard of Medieval Celtic film music before. It is lovely, definitely toe tapping. Thank you for sharing this very talented pair of musicians John. I enjoyed your video very much.

  9. Absolutely fabulous John, looks like they had a bit of an audience thank goodness, so much talent!

  10. Nice videography, John, and the music -- WoW! It certainly lives up to its name.

  11. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing, John!

  12. They are really good and the sound they make is one that really appeals to me. I wonder if they have any CDs? I know that sometimes street musicians do have them for sale.

  13. Wow! You do get to hear some spectacular music there. Fantastic.


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