
Tuesday 22 September 2015

Beds Steam

There, that's got your attention!

"Beds Steam" or The Bedfordshire Steam And Country Fayre, held in historic Old Warden Park, is one of the biggest gatherings of steam-driven traction engines and their enthusiasts in the country. I didn't even realise that there were so many of these smoke-breathing monsters still around.

As well as traction-engines of all sizes there was all manner of other farm machinery, steam-rollers and steam-driven vehicles of all sorts, fairground organs and fairground rides - powered by steam of course - as well as heavy horses, country crafts, sheep-shearing demonstrations, a beer tent, fish and chips......Much impressed by all this John took more photographs than he really knows what to do with, so here's another...

The event runs for three days and by getting there reasonably early you can see the amount of delicate tinkering and vigorous polishing required to keep these great beasts looking good.

This is not a static museum display so, while you can wander around and get up close and personal with the machines, you can also see them in action, moving slowly and carefully through the crowds or going through their paces in the big arena (or "playpen" as they refer to it!)

Understandably with so many steam fans present there is much to discuss and they are only too willing to answer questions, often with longer and more detailed information than you expected!

Everything is so well loved and spruced up that it's unusual to find something like this...

A fine old rusty steam-roller, presumably found in a shed somewhere, and as yet unrestored. Somehow the power and strength is even more apparent when seen in this state. It was a magnet for the many photographers present, in fact it was difficult to get this clear view of it. 

Lets look at some more of these fine vehicles...

I'll be back in the next few days with candid portraits of some of the characters there...

....and quite possibly some of the interesting and colourful details....              

There might even be a video too if I can whittle down an hour or so of footage into something more digestible. And as I mentioned the heavy horses I'd better show you at least one picture of those in case a certain person should read this post.

Take care.


  1. Brilliant photos. I love events like this!

  2. Viewed and enjoyed by husband Jim who loves tractors of any type, but especially vintage. I'm glad you included the photo of the horses!

  3. I like rust, so you know which one is my favorite.

  4. This looks like so much fun! The photo of the heavy horses is fantastic, what a beautiful shot of them. And please, I really,really want that red car with the yellow wheels:)

  5. That's some really interesting and unusual steam vehicles!

  6. I am amazed that you were able to get pictures free of people! Love seeing stuff like this...and I hope you have more of the horses!

  7. This is the farmer's sort of gathering - he would have been in his element here! He would not have been able to keep his money in his pocket if that rusty one had been for sale.

  8. So nice to see the old machines all spruced up. Good time to catch up on the local gossip as per the photo of the Dawson Bros. Lovely team of horses with hearts (!) on their blinkers. I guess their owner thinks they're pretty special.

  9. What a wonderful variety of steam machines all in one place. It was a tradition in my family to go every summer to a "thresheree," a gathering of old farm steam machinery, mostly the enormous threshing machines from the prairie farms. It was sure noisy when they fired them up!

  10. Absolutely fantastic event and I would spend in this place the whole day! You took excellent photos!!! Especially was impressed by a tractor with the steam. It looks so proud of itself.

  11. The rusty one is a far more majestic vehicle, I would venture.

  12. Loved your photographs of the vintage machinery. It's nice to see these being restored.

  13. Beautiful old machines, still graceful. Great photos!

  14. Oh wow! Marvelous old workhorses, the tractors I mean, and in such immaculate condition, well except that one :) J'adore the horses too, wonderful creatures. Photo opportunities galore!
    P.s. your observations re my fear of flying made me laugh out loud :)

  15. Looks like a terrific event for a photographer. I'd be in my element. Absolutely love those horses too, dressed up so fine for the occasion.

  16. What a fantastic fayre. I would love to see them actually moving.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).