
Thursday 17 September 2015

In No Particular Order, For No Particular Reason

  Some photos that have never before seen the light of day,
in no particular order.

Queen Anne's Lace
(Daucus carota)
a favourite wild plant of mine
but here pushed into a new form.
Queen Anne's Brocade perhaps?

If you wait on as many railway stations as I do
then it won't be long before you try a shot like this.
One of Mr Branson's express trains hurtles through.

Bikes and railings hung with posters;
it's got to be Cambridge.

Mr Heron patiently awaits dinner
at Fowlmere RSPB

A modern shopping arcade
in Cambridge.
Angles, shadows, lights, reflections;
the whole works.

Something fishy stirred up the mud in the shallows
leaving these little scraps of vegetation 
floating like ornate hieroglyphics,
whose meaning is yet to be deciphered.

Torn poster.
For no particular reason.

Take care.


  1. I like the photo of Mr Heron but the Queen Anne's Lace one is fabulous, I love the effect you've got, it really does look like embroidery.

  2. Great shots and processing. You have a great eye for photography. Love the speeding colourful train in a black and white scene.

  3. I think my favourite is probably Mr Heron, although I love them all. agree with diane b.

  4. A great set of photos. Torn between nature & human endeavour in choosing my favourite. But I'm going for the torn poster. I've seen Pop Art like that, can't remember the artist.

  5. Commenting again: Just caught up with older posts. Looks like you've had a great time, music and dancing. I would have enjoyed all that. Plus love the shadow photos.

  6. Such interesting photos and I think Queen Anne's Brocade is a perfect title for the first one. The heron brings me to my South Carolina home. Twice a day when the tide is out herons are a familiar shape fishing in the pools that are left among the grasses. They ignore us on the deck s few feet away and allow us to watch their lightning strikes to win their dinner.

  7. Great photographs here, "look up" as my friend Cara Courage puts it, seeing what most people miss.

  8. Nice collection of photos! I especially like the one of the train in motion.

  9. So different and yet all so good - the photos, I mean!

  10. You do have a wonderful view of the world around you. Art and beauty everywhere.

  11. Wonderful photos - I love Mr Heron and the Queen Anne Lace also the shopping arcade for its light, angles and reflections - all wonderful:)

  12. My favorite----floating scraps of vegetation
    An elegant collage formed by nature.

  13. So glad you shared these, - beautiful and creative work. Love the take on the Queen Anne's Lace.

  14. Lovely photos.
    Have a happy friday.

  15. Interesting collection of photos. I especially like the Queen Anne's lace, the heron, the shopping arcade, the pond.

  16. Tres graphique j aime beaucoups ! ;o)

  17. That first shot is so cool, I love the colours! My favourite shot is definitely of the Heron, that's a lovely shot. - Tasha

  18. A very artistic set of images John.

  19. Your photos are wonderful, John - each seems to hold a story. My favorite is the scraps of leaves and stems - so delicate.

  20. All so different, but I would love to have the first in the form of would make a beautiful print.

  21. I think we should have this as a regular theme John.. 'Shots that didn't make the cut' :) these fabulous images deserve to be shown, j'adore the fishy hieroglyphics!

  22. This collection is GREAT! I'm wondering why you've been hiding them from us. ;)

  23. I like posts like this that show a variety of lovely scenes. I like the things your eye catches!!


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