
Wednesday 22 April 2015


On Sunday morning I was poking about taking photos in the vicinity of our parish church when a woman unexpectedly approached me. I feared that she was going to ask me if I was going to attend the morning service (which I was not), but instead she enquired if I was taking photographs (which I admitted I was).

"Wonderful", she said, "and will you be visiting the Open Gardens this afternoon?".  I said that I hoped to. At this the good lady invited me to take some pictures for her to include on the village website - "just one of each garden". And that's how I became the "official photographer" for the day.

So here's what I came up with:

Jim and Jane's garden in Bell Close
Just a small plot which I walk or cycle by almost every day and invariably get a friendly wave from Jane or Jim. Always best to keep an eye on what Jim's doing if you want to be successful growing vegetables, but he also finds time (and space) to grow some lovely flowers.

 Tricia and John's garden in Chiswick End
A really tiny garden which is full of interest despite only having been started from scratch in 2014. In such a tight space all the visitors soon get involved in conversation with each other and with the owners.

 In Flambards Close, Jim and Margaret's garden
Another garden which I pass by regularly, though I had no idea that there was such an extensive and beautiful garden hidden away behind the house.

 Julie and Peter at The Dumb Flea
The Dumb Flea used to be a pub many years ago, hence the weird and wonderful name of the house. This is where the lady I met at the church earlier in the day resides. When I arrived she was busy taking her grandchildren for hair-raising rides around the garden on her mobility scooter! 

"The Limes", Frances and Richard's garden
A large spacious garden, all beautifully manicured and full of interesting plants. Having walked around once, very slowly, I then walked around again and found plenty more to photograph.

"The Court", a garden tended by Annemarie and Nick,
but, I suspect, mainly owned and occupied by their children!
A huge and rambling garden where one would like to be five years old on an endless summer's day. Besides having all those boring adult things like flowers, lawns and trees, this garden has a slide, swings, a Nelly-The-Elephant water-fountain and loads of awesome places to hide! 

Take care.


  1. Of choice I think I prefer the informality of that first garden John - although I have to admit a huge amount of care has gone into the others.

  2. Congratulations Mr. Photographer!

  3. Can't think of a better choice for the job. Your photos are beautiful. They are lucky to have you to document these lovely gardens!

  4. What wonderful gardens, what a lot of work! Great photos.

  5. What lovely gardens! I'll bet they were a pleasure to photograph. How cool that you got asked to provide photos for their website.

  6. I'm guessing they will be asking you next year as well :)

  7. Such beautiful gardens. How lucky to have crossed paths with the woman who needed a fine photographer for this. A perfect coincidence!

  8. Love, love, love looking round other people's gardens. I often take photos at our local open gardens day. One year I made greetings cards out of my photos for them to sell to raise money for the charity they do it for. These are lovely pics, bet she was pleased. I like the low viewpoint you have on several of them.

  9. Enchanting gardens!!! And very spacious! You took very creative photos of these gardens. Love each of them so much!!!!

  10. Lovely gardens... well photographed too ;)

  11. Really wonderful photos.
    I love every gardner.

  12. Ah these are so pretty! I love seeing gardens blooming and springing into action come this time of year and your photos have captured each of them beautifully! - Tasha

  13. Another wonderful outing you've taken us on John - thank you, it was delightful!

  14. Gosh what a treat John.. that was a win win situation, the village website got some fab photos and you got access to see these gorgeous gardens. Jim and Margarete's garden is my fav!

  15. That was a very smart woman, and you did a superb job. When I lived in Columbus, Ohio, I lived in a historic district called German Village. Every year for more than 50 years, the last Sunday of June is the day of the Haus Und Garten tour, with about a dozen houses and gardens open to the public. I always went on the tour when I lived there. Houses usually have fences on the street, so that gardens are enclosed and hidden behind the houses. Stepping inside is so often a magical moment of discovery, seeing the charm of the hidden, private gardens.

  16. So glad you got to be the photographer of the day...and glad I found your blog today. Can't even think how I came here, but have sure enjoyed your photos. These gardens are beautiful!


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