
Monday 20 April 2015

Meldreth Open Gardens

On Sunday some of the good people of Meldreth opened their gardens to the public in order to raise money for the village church. You-know-who went along to take a few photos, but ended up taking quite a lot. Here are some of them:

Take care.


  1. Glad you did the tour for us. Lovely shades in the Lewisia (?) and the sedum collection. And the arch made of stumps is very cool.

  2. What lovely gardens! How nice of these people to allow garden viewing.

  3. Always enjoy garden tours. That stump arch is really something!

  4. That is a very lovely garden to wander around, to find a nice bench and enjoy the flowers and walk through this interesting arch on a narrow path.

  5. How lovely. Nothing nicer on a sunny spring afternoon than to wander around a garden. I hope lots of money was raised for the local church:)

  6. How utterly glorious!

  7. Early in the year for an open garden day John, I would have thought - but what a lot there is to see in the gardens you visited.

  8. Such beautiful gardens. You've captured them very well! I think taking too many photos is an occupational hazard for us bloggers.

  9. Why is it then when I come across a fair maiden holding a seashell, the lovely maiden never has her strap falling and exposing a fine breast? I must be in the wrong gardens.

  10. Lovely photos. Thought the drift wood arch placed in one of the gardens was unusual yet fitted into the garden very nicely.-- barbara

  11. Nices shots, awesome.


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