
Friday 24 April 2015

Walking Into Spring

An afternoon spent at Fen Drayton Lakes, RSPB bird reserve, in Cambridgeshire. 

Some of the birds seen and/or heard: Sedge Warbler, Cetti's Warbler, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Oystercatcher, Avocet, Egyptian Geese with goslings, Common Tern, Cuckoo.
Yes, I heard my first Cuckoo of the year!

Take care.


  1. It looks like you have spent this spring day very well. There is a quiet peace reating on this landscape that is balm to the soul.

  2. Love that shot of the bright green leaves!

  3. Such a beautiful, bright green spring walk. It's easy to imagine the sounds and smells.

  4. Looks a lovely place on a lovely day. I'm still trying to internally decide if I heard sedge warblers or a rather hesitant grasshopper warbler reeling at RSPB Langford the other day

  5. Wish I could hear the cuckoo John, we so seldom hear one here.
    Is that white blossom blackthorn or cherry? Whichever - it is exquisite.

  6. Very nice. I feel like I could hear them myself. Looks like a beautiful spring day there.

  7. Such a beautiful bright day for a walk among the birds and fantastic greenery there.

  8. Wow, you had a marvellous afternoon!

  9. A beautiful spot. I'd be blissed out there, though sadly I wouldn't hear the warblers. I love the trees at this point in the year, covered in that hazy bright green.

  10. Happy springtime pictures.

  11. What a fabulous area John .... oh! to be out walking surrounded by pretty bird calls.

  12. Looks wonderful John.. you know I don't think I've ever heard a real live cuckoo :)

  13. You have captures the colours of spring beautifully.

  14. Lovely. I don't think I would recognize a single one of those birds. I realized recently that there are a great many birds -- like cuckoos, nightingales, mockingbirds -- that are familiar names to me but I have no idea what they look like, what environment they live in, or what their song is.

  15. This is my type of place!


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