
Tuesday 15 May 2018

The Aaaah Factor

As well as the big ferocious beasts that dominated the previous post they also have some of the cute and cuddly kind. These lemurs were the pick of the bunch for me; you can follow a raised walkway through their enclosure and some of the lemurs climb up to say hello.

Three kinds to see here, all of which have nice descriptive names, Ring-Tailed Lemur, Red-Bellied Lemur and Black-And-White Ruffed Lemurs.

Take care.


  1. Such beautiful creatures. I often wonder with zoos - if they are as well run and set out as the one you feature here - would the creatures - if they could speak - really rather be out in the wild with predators and having to look for their own food and water.

  2. They certainly look very cuddly, but only from a distance I suppose. Lovely shots and close ups!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog. I'm not sure why this tower was built separately from the church, I haven't been able to find anything about it online.

  3. It makes me very sad to contemplate the degree of destruction of the habitat for lemurs - and it continues to this day.

  4. Seriously long tails! The black and white is very fluffy with startling eyes. I like the way the little guy in the last photo is looking at his mum as she watches over things.

    1. According to the keeper that may not be his mum as they raise their youngsters communally with all the adults lending a hand.

  5. Woburn by any chance, long time since I have been there, Cotswold wildlife park is near me and we love going there. Like you the cute and cuddly come out favorite

  6. Each lemur one is aptly named and the ones with big eyes and the long black and white tail are so impressive. So sad that they are disappearing. Your photos are awesome capturing the tender moments of their relationship or of enjoying solitude.


  7. Nice to see such healthy (wild) animals.

  8. Lovely stripey tails.
    I never know how to consider zoos. We have a huge zoo here in Toronto, loads of well looked after animals, but I always feel sad for the larger animals, no matter how large their enclosure, they are still confined. But at least my grandies can see them and learn about them.

  9. I'm a big fan of lemurs too! When I was getting my undergraduate degree in Anthropology I spent quite a bit of time at the Denver Zoo making a video of a Lemur family as the babies matured. It was for a class in Primate Behavior. I loved watching them, and I love being reminded of it through your beautiful photos.

  10. Love seeing all these cute animals. Your photos are absolutely beautiful, nice and crisp.

  11. Yes definitely the aaah factor, they are gorgeous.

  12. John, you must have had an immense amount of fun photographing these little guys. Well done.


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