
Monday 14 May 2018

On Safari

As far as I'm concerned zoos are very much like a large pie and chips - I know they're a bad idea, I can make a good argument against them, but I really enjoy them anyway!  In that spirit, when my brother suggested a trip to Woburn Safari Park I jumped at the idea. If we must have animals in captivity then may all of them have the space to live their lives as they have at Woburn, even if they do look a bit incongruous in the lush Bedfordshire countryside. Here are just a few of the characters that we encountered....

Amur Tiger

Barbary Macaque

Humboldt Penguin

African Lion


Aldabra Giant Tortoise

 White Rhinocerous

Californian Sea Lion

Ankole Cattle

Black Bear


Grevy's Zebra

Now, lets go and find a pub that serves a good pie and chips!

Take care.


  1. I think I think we all wish that we had no need for zoos but the sad fact is that we have usurped the habitat of so many creatures and slaughtered so many others, that zoos may in fact be their last refuge from extinction.

  2. Hi John - I've been to Longleat a couple of times and enjoyed seeing the animals close up ... though have been priveleged to see wildlife in southern Africa. Wonderful photos you've given us ... and I agree with David's comment ... hope you had that delicious pie and chips - cheers Hilary

  3. Wonderful shots. I do hate seeing animals behind bars, but at least here they have their own spaces.

  4. Great photos! Those animals look very content and well cared for.

  5. It's an interesting thought to compare a zoo with pie and chips, there might be a truth in it though..
    Great photos, I always love watching penguins.
    PS. A few more photos from the Zandeweer church tomorrow :)

  6. Great photos! I'm not a fan of zoos but if they are well cared for, they can have a good life and people can enjoy seeing them.

  7. I'm with you. They do look happy and everything is so green. But for the love of God, what is that lion eating??

  8. Modern zoos give people and, especially, children a chance to see wild animals up close. I think it can develop an interest in wildlife and build support for conservation efforts. Life in the wild is not always a picnic. At the zoo, the zebras don't have to worry about being a lion's lunch. There is a trade-off - liberty versus regular food and veterinary care. I don't imagine a wild animal enjoys having a nasty infected wound or broken leg any more than a captive one does. I enjoyed seeing all the photos of the animals.

  9. Fabulous photos, John. I feel the same about zoos.

  10. Know what you mean about zoos, I feel the same but these animals look so healthy and cared for. You first photo of the tiger is wonderful:)

  11. It is nice to see these beautiful animals even if they are in a zoo. I am not a fan of zoos, but at least this doesn't look like horrible prisons. There is some natural beauty here for them to live their captive lives.

  12. I don’t like zoo’s, I don’t like to see to see animals in captivity but I guess in today’s world of diminishing species there is a place for them, especially when they are well catered for like here. They all look healthy and happy. Your photos are stunning.

  13. I also have very mixed feelings about zoos. On the one hand, I expect that the animals are usually well tended and they let people see them who will never get to the faraway places where they roam naturally. On the other hand, if I compare the animals in a zoo with those in their usual habitat, it seems far better for them to be free. At least until they encounter a natural predator that eats them!!!


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