
Friday 16 March 2018

Hitchin A Ride

"A ride" as in my 20 minute journey on the train.
"Hitchin" as in the town of Hitchin in Hertfordshire.

Hitchin is a town that I rarely visit though I've no idea why that should be. It's a lovely little town which has retained its historic centre more or less intact.

It has a large church, St Mary's, which stands squarely in the centre of town alongside the little River Hiz. The river is thought to have originally been the Hitch, but when the Normans compiled the Domesday Book they either couldn't pronounce it or couldn't spell it and recorded it as the Hiz. The Hitch flowing through Hitchin makes a lot more sense but it's probably too late to change it now!

Spring flowers were blooming among the tombstones in the graveyard.

I spent a long time walking the fascinating streets of the old town with its great variety of historic buildings.

Plenty of antique and vintage shops.

There were many young musicians and entertainers in town, doing their bit for the Sport Relief charity.

Haircut, sir?

Flowers for sale. And, yes, you're right, that sign above the door does say "dentures" complete with a detailed illustration. I thought it was an old sign, which it probably is, but it says just below it that a manufacturer of false teeth is still in residence.

Men at work - well, one at least while his colleagues offer advice and lend moral support.

That's all for now, folks, but I've got some photos from the market which will probably appear in the next few days.

Take care.


  1. A wonderful village! Love the old houses.

  2. It really does look like a delightful old town, one I am sure I would derive a good deal of pleasure from. It seems that these little gems are found throughout Europe.

  3. So beautiful! To me it looks like a time gone by.

  4. Wonderfully quintessential English town! Thanks for the tour & photos of the quaint wee shops!

  5. I would love to stroll the streets of that town. We have nothing even close to that charming in our area. Our home is one of the oldest in town and it was built in 1905, LOL

  6. The village looks like a great place to spend some time in. Lots of old shops. I like those old vintage signs. A nice English village indeed. Thank you for the tour!

  7. A fun post and I really like the looks of Hitchin!! Wonderful that the historic center has been so well preserved.

  8. Hi John - glorious shots reminding me of home. I've never been to Hitchin ... but I'd love to see the Hiz - great name! As for dentures - when that time comes I think I'll be away from hitchin' - a- ride to 'itchin! Cheers Hilary

  9. A charming village, John. I would love to wander around through the streets.

  10. A super post John. I would particularly love to have a mooch around the antique and vintage shops.

    Your images show that a ride to Hitchin is well worth it!

  11. Such a pretty town...with booming businesses. No closed shops in evidence, which tell us the economy is doing well! And it's much bigger than just a village, by all those little businesses!

  12. What a lovely little town. The more photos I see of little towns in England, the more I think I would love to live there.

  13. Looks a delightful place John. And incidentally, I have not seen either a scilla or a daffodil out up here yet, so lucky you.

  14. Great pictures, I've enjoyed wandering around Hitchin with you. I like the name of the river.

  15. What a great series of photographs you've shared, your second photograph is stunning.

    All the best Jan

  16. "his colleagues offer advice and lend moral support" :)

  17. I would love to go in the antique shops...I just love to look. There is just something about things that have been around a long time. And same goes for the buildings...I could look and look at them.


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