
Saturday 17 March 2018

Hitchin Market

For over a thousand years markets have been at the centre of trade in Great Britain. There are market squares in most English towns where traders have assembled for centuries to provide the population with all their needs. While many businesses thrived sufficiently to build permanent premises and more recently supermarkets have supplanted many small shops, there are still plenty of thriving markets. People like them because the produce is local and reasonably priced. And you can find stuff here that you'll never find in your local Tesco or Sainsbury's. Come and have a browse around Hitchin market and you'll see what I mean.

And here's a collage of some architectural details spotted in the town. Nothing to do with markets, but just because I like you.

Take care.


  1. Good to see this market is going strong & has a great variety of goods for sale!
    Thanks for sharing those special architectural details!

  2. My kind of shopping! Next trip, I'd like to go to a few markets.

  3. Love the markets. The primulas are a great deal!

  4. It is not only what you find at these markets, it is the old world charm too that attracts people. It's a break from the bar codes and alleged efficiency of supermarkets.

  5. People say that you get to know a place or country by visiting their local markets. So many interesting things to see. Lovely collage too, John!

  6. Such a colourful market! The yellow wellies stand out well with the pansy flower pot in one boot!lol

    Love the collage, John!

  7. Your pictures are fantastic John. They need to be in a tourist brochure - but on second thoughts the people of Hitchin probably don'r want bus loads. We get lots here - the shop keepers and cafes are always pleased.

  8. Something for everyone.The primulas are a blast of colour. Who could resist them?

  9. Lots of lovely "junque" in the market at Hitchin. I'd love to have a wander round and see if there's anything I couldn't possibly live without. Love those primula, such vibrant colours. Primroses have come a long way!

  10. Hi John - absolutely wonderful .. a thriving English market. So cheery ... all the best as Spring comes, unless you're under snow! enjoy - Hilary

  11. Looking back at last post Hitchin looks like your wonderful quintessential English town John.. long live markets, so much weekend fun 😀

  12. What a wonderful and beautiful marketplace. So full of life and rich colors. Lovely.

  13. Markets are fun to explore. There's something for everyone.

  14. Markets are like a treasure hunt. You don't know what will appeaf and there are bargains to be had. I love the booth with the old signs.

  15. Looks a great market with lots to see.
    I love those flowers what beautiful colours they are.

    All the best Jan

  16. I love markets. My youngest daughter lived in Hitchin years ago. I always enjoyed browsing around the shops and market, and there was a lovely second hand shop that sold bric a brac and jewellery.

  17. Now I am wishing I could get out and go to some of these markets...around here we call them flea markets. And I dearly love to go and browse and see what I can see. And always fun to take pictures.


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