
Friday 16 February 2018

Trifles And Tidbits

Grade One

The Village College is an institution which, as far as I know, is only found in Cambridgeshire. It was the brainchild of Henry Morris who was Chief Education Officer in the county for over 30 years. The idea was to build schools for 11 to 16 year-olds in their home rural areas and also to provide classes for adults in the evenings. Their links to the local community have always been very important. 

Impington, in 1939, was the fourth to be built and, it may surprise you to learn, is a Grade I listed building. The reason for this high designation is that it's the only building in the UK to be designed by the pioneering architect and founder of the Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius. He had fled Nazi Germany and  formed an architectural partnership with Englishman Maxwell Fry. Gropius soon moved on to the USA, but not before designing the Village College at Impington.

Grade Two

Believe it or not this late nineteenth century water pump is a listed building too, though only a common old Grade II. As you can see it's very smartly painted and bears the words Bamford's Frost Protected Lift Pump. Bamford's of Uttoxeter was founded in 1845 as an ironmonger's shop, but grew to be a large manufacturer of farm equipment, not ceasing production till 2008. Henry Bamford's grandson Joseph Cyril Bamford founded a rival company which still exists. It's known by Bamford's initials - JCB.

What's The Time?

A rather crude sundial high on the wall of Oakington Church. "God always cares" it says, but not enough to get the time right in this corner of the world it seems. This was taken at 11 o'clock but the shadow seems to indicate about a quarter to twelve. The metal part has got bent no doubt. Incidentally that metal bit that casts the shadow is called the "gnomon". Now that's a word that's bound to come in handy someday.


Weather vanes are a feature of many buildings and I often think I'll collect photos of them but rarely remember to take a snap. I rather liked this fox relentlessly pursuing its prey while a (real) starling perches cheekily on his tail.

Places To Live

You can end up at some dodgy addresses in England. Who'd want to live at either of these...

Meanwhile these two, unusual as they are, might appeal to certain enthusiasts....

And here's a special address that I should have really posted on Valentine's Day....

Take care.


  1. Love the variety in this post. Great photos too.

  2. I love that water pump John and also the way it is obviously lovingly cared for.

  3. Perhaps Climate Change has altered the angle of the sun, too!

  4. Love all those little for bits you have told

  5. Love that old sundial! Very cool, but missing 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock isn't it?

  6. Interesting info about the college. I love the bird on the fox's tail.

  7. I was surprised that the college was Grade II listed John, until I read why. Please try and remember to take shots of the weathervanes, I loooove English weathervanes, they can be so... English 😀 Don't get me started with Aussie street names, I think I could give you some stiff competition!

  8. The sundial is quite unique. I like that even if it doesn't keep exact time. The weathervane is a great one especially with the wee bird sitting on the fox's tail.

  9. Love the street names and the sundial. Also the story of the Village College. Gnomon was a crossword clue last week, I kept saying it's something like 'nomen' but I'd forgotten the silent 'g':)

  10. A whole pile of my ancestors' gravestones stand, or lean, in Oakington churchyard. One long line of the Linton family from Westwick.

  11. Great series, both whimsical and interesting. I am sure the UK is filled with treasures of similar ilk.

  12. I started my legal career with a Boston law firm that had a substantial practice with noted architectural firms. I did some minor legal work for Gropius' firm. Now that I no longer work there I can confess that I was never a fan of the lean Bauhaus look.

  13. les cadrans solaires toujours avec de belles citations !

  14. I always mean to take photos of street names but never seem to do it. Love that fox weather vane...


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