
Monday 19 February 2018

Bending The Rules

Most of the photos I show you are an attempt to illustrate things of interest or beauty that I've seen. It'd be nice if you could see them for yourselves, or better still go out and find things in your own area. I'm a rough and ready sort of photographer and my shots nearly always need a bit of tidying up on the computer. But every so often I get a bit carried away.....

There's a lot of things you can click on with a photo-editing program and I start to get curious what different combinations might create. The flowers above are the result of combining an in-focus and a blurred version of the same shot and then fiddling about to make what I think is an appealing effect.

I saw some prints by the artist Eric Ravilious and thought it might be possible to recreate the look with a photograph. I still don't know if it's possible; this popped up on the screen before I got there and I thought I'd stop while I was winning. 

A sort of pop-art poster of a seedhead. Sort of.

This is a compound image - four separate photos and a black background - of the folk band Lankum (previously known as Lynched). Then I've worked all over the picture with a smudging tool to push the colour around to look a bit like a painting. 

One of life's happy accidents. Again it's a blend of an in-focus and a blurred image, but one that came out better than I expected.

A narrow street in Cambridge. I've no idea how it ended up like this!

Most of the time though these "experiments" end up as a murky mess and get deleted! Normal service will be resumed soon - when it stops raining and I get rid of my cold.

Take care.


  1. Your experimenting gave interesting results, John. Thanks for sharing.

  2. my FAV because of the color, the street shot in Cambridge

  3. Those are cool edits. I'm usually not brave enough to try something totally wild when photo editing. Maybe I need to branch out and give it a try.

  4. I liked the tree and "wobbly water" and the people, and the street...not so thrilled with the in and out of focus ones, but that's just me.

  5. I remember experimenting with certain substances and experiencing sights like that, not suggesting that you have but wondering never the less ???? :)

  6. Some very interesting effects in your photos. I'm a big fan of Eric Ravilious and your pond in a field photo does have the feel of one of his landscape works:)

  7. After looking at your experiments in photo editing, I think I might like to try that. I just have the little point and shoot and no editing programme. I like all of these. Especially the one of the musicians.

  8. Thanks for sharing your edits as it is great to see these artistic effects! I really like the swan and the street scene!

  9. Great tweaks on these photos.

    Visited Wild Card Brewery this weekend and they had a whole wall of photos with incredible tweaks. I can imagine several of yours on that wall and being the main attraction!

  10. John, you are quite the artist. I like the way these came out especially the narrow street in Cambridge and the folk band. The street one would make a great card or poster.

  11. Beautiful photos! Well, except the, not beautiful, except the lady, of course. :)

  12. Those are really fun! I would have no idea how to make them -- except with a paintbrush.

  13. Very creative. The Cambridge street scene looks like an impressionist painting! Maybe there’s a whole new career waiting for you!

  14. I love these images! You make me want to edit and photoshop some of my photos as well. These are so beautiful and inspiring.

  15. What a very creative way to spend time stuck indoors John 😊 I enjoyed them all, the last image the most!
    P.s. hope you're on the mend ☺

  16. Some fun experimenting, and all tastefully done I think. I use photoshop, and although I can do quite a bit with it, I know I've just scratched the surface of what that program can do!

  17. I like these very much, especially the pop art poster. It's always fun to play with photo editing. I enjoy it very much. Keep it up!

  18. Brilliant images John, particularly the second one. I've done something similar with a free online editor, but nothing as stunning as yours.

  19. John, I always enjoy your regular trips and photographs. It is surprising to see what you can do with photo editing. I do the boring and straightforward stuff, never as dazzling as this sampler.

  20. We all are happy you got carried away.
    It's interesting to see how people have so different favourites. I like the Cambridge view and, of course, the first flowers.
    Take care!
    PS The crested tit is not very rare here. My dream is to see a long-tailed tit.

  21. You have been having some fun here. You have made some nice images. What program did you use?

  22. LOL about "I have no idea how it ended up like this!" Kind of sums up my own photo-editing experience. I really like your edits. Very creative and artistic. Feel better soon!

  23. Amazing images you have created John! I am drawn to the tree in the 2nd image.

  24. Lovely photo-editing images. My favorite are the second and the last one.

  25. It's such fun playing and you've achieved some colourful effects here. It's a good way to forget about a head cold, I always find.

  26. WOW. Great artistic work!

  27. I like the results! Specially love that first. I used to do this but found I could spend way, way too much time. Still it is fun to do every now and then.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).