
Monday 8 January 2018

A Garden In January

The garden in question is the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, which looks pretty fine throughout the year. Two years ago I set myself the task of visiting the Garden each month, but before long real life got in the way of the project, so it was never completed. Now I'm not saying I'll be any more successful in 2018, but here are some photos from January - no theme, just what happened to catch my eye as I wandered around.

After the mud and the mistiness of my recent walks it was nice to be treading gravel paths in the winter sunshine, even if the wind chill gave a "feels like" temperature of minus 2 C.

Take care.


  1. Beautiful series of images John, lovely reflections and shadows. Doesn't look like winter at all ☺

  2. Beautiful photos. So wonderful to see all that color there in the midst of winter.

  3. John these photographs are an absolute delight - I do hope your new year resolution holds throughout the year.

  4. This would definitely be an oasis to visit amidst life's hustle & bustle!

  5. It looks lush and green there is places, John! Such a beautiful area in January.

  6. Amazing how colourful it is, lovely!

  7. This would make a fantastic monthly series if you could do it this year! I love the photo of the willow and reflection, it looks like a really interesting garden.

  8. So lovely to see such gorgeous colour on what has been a very grey day in my part of the UK today.

    All the best Jan

  9. I could sure use a visit to a place like is a beautiful place, even at this time of year.

  10. Beautiful rich colours and such a bright blue sky. Quite a contrast to our snowy landscape.

  11. That is a lovely place, John. I love those reflections and the splashes of colour along the way. Very pretty for January.

  12. Still some bright colors in that winter garden. I love the shadow photos, too.

  13. It is a very nice collection of images, John. If you ever get the urge to go across the pond, be sure to visit the High Line in New York City. It is an abandoned rail line which has been turned into spectacular gardens (mostly naturalistic) along the abandoned tracks high above the city.

  14. Looks lovely, and a good selection of shots. I still can't believe you can walk around a garden like that without snow - in January!

  15. un beau jardin botanique * superbe idée de le visiter plus souvent !

  16. So much joy and color in the depth of winter. It makes the heart sing!

  17. There is a lot of color left in that winter garden. The photo with the reflection of the tree is my favorite.

  18. I wish my garden looked half as good in January. Your beautiful photos have made me re-think my opinion of dreary January.

  19. Beautiful shots of the gardens!

  20. Your photographs are wonderful. They don't need words! I'm following your blog now.


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