
Friday 23 December 2016

Best Wishes

For all those who read and comment on this blog:

Sorry that there haven't been many posts recently but I've been caring for my mother who needs lots of support at the moment.

Take care.


  1. Sad to hear about your mother - I hope you both will both have a peaceful festive holiday. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to you both.

  2. I am also sad to hear about your mother. My wish is that you both have a peaceful Christmas and best wishes for 2017.

  3. What a beautiful card. Thank you. I'm sorry that your mother has been unwell. I wish you both comfort, strength and peace. God bless you.

  4. Wishing you a very happy Christmas and hope your mother is able to enjoy the holiday too.

  5. What a great holiday blog card! Merry Christmas to you, with a wish for some happy times with your mom.

  6. Hi John - the most important person is your mother ... so give her lots of support and love - it will make the world of difference to you both ... certainly it did for me . We will be here .. and yes the card is lovely - cheers Hilary

  7. Thank you very much, I wish you both well!

  8. Thanks John, wishing you and your mother well and hoping that Christmas will be a contented and peaceful time. So glad she has your support and care, though do take time out for yourself when you can, as well.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family, John. I wish you all well.

  10. Best wishes to both you and your Mom for Christmas. I hope the New Year brings better health for your Mother.

  11. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year. I hope your mother's health improves John. Take care!

  12. Sometimes life's demands interfere for a time with our creative pursuits. A largish project on my desk has kept me from blog-hopping and commenting for several months. I was glad to catch up with your recent posts today. I trolled about hoping to find the youtube link to the folks bellowing happily away on Christmas carols--in a pub setting. I didn't locate that, but in the search enjoyed a number of your posts for a second time around.
    I hope the new year brings better health for your mother.

  13. Thank you for the lovely card John, seasons greetings to you too. I’m sorry to hear about your mum, I hope her health improves soon. Very best wishes for 2017.

  14. Sending you and your mom best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Hope your mom is feeling better and all is well. Take care there.

  15. All the very best to you both for Christmas and the New Year, John. Hope your mum is getting better. As you would say - "Take care". And thanks for all your great posts, and for your kind comments on 'ABAB'.

  16. Well take good care of her while you have a Merry Christmas!

  17. Hope the New Year brings better news for your mother John. Best wishes to you both.

  18. Best wishes for Christmas and New Year. I hope all will be well with your mother. Take care:)

  19. I'm sorry to hear your mother is not well. Wishing for her good health, and a Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  20. Best wishes to you and your mom.

  21. Wish you Merry Christmas my dear friend. Hope all is going well with your mama.
    Hyvää Joulua.

  22. A delightful Christmas pic - A very Merry Christmas to you and your dear Mum.

  23. Doing some catching up on my blog reading this evening. I hope all is well, John, and that your Mum is enjoying the holidays with you. Wishing you the very best in the coming year, Cousin!

  24. Don't worry about us, we know that real life is much more important than blogging! I pray your Mom gets better and that you all have a fantastic new year! We'll be here when you get back to blogging :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).