
Tuesday 27 December 2016

A Close-Up Calendar













Take care.


  1. A very nice summary of 2016 out of doors and of what we want 1017 to be. Nature will hopefully not let us down. Only humans can do that.

    I wish you A Happy New Year, and I hope that all is going well with your mother - and yourself.

  2. Beautiful calendar John. Happy 2017.

  3. Gorgeous close-ups!
    Happy new year 2017!

  4. I’ve looked forward to your original calendar every year. I hope you had a peaceful Christmas with your mother. Best wishes for the bright and hopeful New Year like shown in the images of this calendar.


  5. Beauty everyday every month! Happy New Year to you and your mom.

  6. I'd have those on my wall quite happily for a whole year.

  7. Thank you for a super taste of what we have to look forward to in 2017. A delightful Calendar John.

    My best wishes for 2017 to you and yours John.

  8. Beautiful calendar photos John. A happy and healthy 2017 to you and your family!

  9. Good choices for each month. Love the colors and clarity of the photos.

  10. Perfect choices for each month and lovely photos :)

  11. I love when the buttercups turn the fields yellow here, it is stunning

  12. Lovely collection of photos, especially the butterfly and your last image.

  13. fantastic calendar but flowers in February is too early for them in my place

    1. From a local website:
      "NT Garden Anglesey Abbey 2017
      Snowdrop season from around 27 January"
      Last year I found a small clump flowering in my local wood at the end of December!

  14. Really nice collection. Favourites: February and May.
    Happy New Year.

  15. Great selection of pictures from the year! I can just picture the year in England, but I can't believe the Snowdrops in February! The picture of the frosted Teasel is just stunning! Cheers.

  16. All year round beautiful photos.

  17. Hi John - stunning shots ... love all of them ... such English scenes. Yes as Felicia reminds me ... I do hope you've had a peaceful Christmas with your mother and that you will have a blessed New Year and 2017 ahead ... all the very best - Hilary

  18. Super duper! Bluebells, snowdrops, rose hips, teasel.... I am feeling so homesick! Happy 2017 to you and your mum.

  19. A superb series of shots John - thank you for sharing. I reckon December is my favourite - no wait, maybe its March, or perhaps ....! Each one has its own unique appeal. Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy and very happy 2017. Thank you for the interesting and entertaining contributions you make to the various blogsites.

  20. You please my eye and enlighten my spirit, John. Thank you for all your wonderful posts and your guidance on those lovely walks you take us on....

  21. Wonderful selection from 2016.
    Happy New Year, my friend!

  22. Beautiful pictures John, especially July, November and December. Hope your mum is well, I wish you both a happy and healthy New Year.

  23. Every photo is beautiful. I would hang your calendar on my fridge!
    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  24. Beautiful, John. A Happy New Year to you - I hope all is well.

  25. Lovely images, John - thanks for sharing them! I hope 2017 will be kind to you and yours.

  26. Happy New Year!

    Beautiful photographs

  27. gorgeous photos -- the spring ones make me yearn for that time of year!

  28. Best wishes and a happy new year to you also John and I hope your mum is a wee bit better now. Looking at this series of shots I can only hope there is a 2017 calendar out there with your name on the credits!Super series of seasonal shots. I should have explained a bit better re my mural yesterday, right next door to the Acoustic Inn, is the Rock Inn, full to brimming with vintage electric guitars, brilliant if you're interested in guitars 😊

  29. Lovely year-collection.
    Wish you Happy New Year.

  30. Lovely highlights for each month.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).