
Friday 9 September 2016

Pictures Of Past Times

The Museum of East Anglian Life at Stowmarket has many re-creations of rooms from the past - domestic rooms, school rooms, shops and workshops - presented to you here as if they are works of art in an exhibition, which in a way they are.  

Take care.


  1. Beautiful and nostalgic rooms, presented wonderfully. The classroom is my favourite.
    I wonder if some settings from this museum have been shown in a documentary. Are there many museums like this in the UK?

  2. Very, very nice - as always. Thank you.

  3. Love the photos! Great way to present them!

  4. I like the school room! Reminds me of simpler times.

  5. These are wonderful John and remind me of my childhood in the thirties.
    The bedroom one reminds me of the bit in Anne of Green Gables when Anne describes her bedroom for the first time.

  6. There is an attractiveness to this simple way of life that I admire.

  7. A very nice way to present them. It seems people didn't have clutter issues a lot of people have today.

  8. Ah those were the days..
    The frames give an extra and nice touch.

  9. That's a great way to display the past, a nice collection of photos.

  10. It was fun to figure out the dates of the rooms.

  11. Nice use of frames for the photos. So much less clutter years ago.

  12. I love these little time capsules into the past!

  13. I love these kinds of museums they can teach so much about history in a non boring way. The first shot rings a bell with my childhood.

  14. Hi John - what an amazing museum ... while the way you've hung them for us .. brings back nostalgia too .. one day I shall get up and across to that one ... happy memories if I don't look too closely at those interiors! Cheers Hilary

  15. What a great way to present the photos. There's so much good stuff at this museum.


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