
Wednesday 7 September 2016

Cool Stuff

A collection of photos salvaged while in the process of clearing out a lot of unwanted pictures from my hard drive.

I've got a bike
You can ride it if you like
It's got a basket, a bell that rings and things to make it look good
I'd give it to you if I could
But I borrowed it sang the late Mr Syd Barrett, of the Pink Floyd popular music ensemble, and at one time if you saw a hand-painted bike like this on the streets of Cambridge it might well have belonged to the man himself, as he lived out most of his life in troubled obscurity in his home city. This one though was spotted in the cycle racks of Peterhouse when I was supposed to be photographing the buildings and gardens.

This is the elegant, sun-lit conservatory of Abbot's Hall, which is part of the Museum of East Anglian Life at Stowmarket. Somehow it didn't fit in when I was showing you the old barns and rusty tractors.

And speaking of "rusty"......a very unusual but rather appealing pub sign spotted while out on a walk in Hertfordshire.

And this is for no other reason than that I've always wanted one. Not just a squeezebox but a Dino Baffetti one. They're not actually "top of the range" and they don't do anything that I can't do on my trusty old melodeon, which is why I can't justify owning one. But there's something about the black and red, and that white diamond on the bellows, that's pretty cool. "Well cool" as the modern idiom would have it.

And pictures with a-frame-within-the-frame are also rather stylish to my eye. This one was spotted on a wet autumn day last year. A few weeks time and we'll be back to that season once more.

As near to US design as British cars ever got, the Humber Super Snipe, if I'm not mistaken. A cool car in its day.

As for me I'm still caring for my mother and she's doing OK.

Take care.


  1. Hi John - a really good selection .. definitely not to be rejected, but used appropriately as 'Cool Stuff' ... lovely - cheers Hilary

  2. Beautiful photos! Glad your Mom is doing OK. Take care.

  3. That is a job I started but gave up after a boring few hours. A fun collection. Hope your Mother keeps improving.

  4. I am playing catch up and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the 'catch up' with your posts John! Love the frame-within-the-frame Autumn image!

    Good to read your Mother is doing ok.

  5. I like the bicycle paint scheme and would like to have the squeezebox too if only to admire it after I quickly learned I could not play it to save my life.

  6. Yep, I think that bike is trippy enough for Syd Barrett, bless him

  7. Love the bicycle! And the one of a wet Autumn day, of course I am going to miss the Summer days but I look forward to the next season.

  8. Nice selection of photos. I love that rusty pub sign and that frame within a frame photo. It's appealing to me too. Glad to hear that your Mom is doing good.

  9. Always fun to find such cool photos while searching through the images on the hard-drive. Glad to know your mom is doing okay.

  10. You've got some wonderful images there - thanks for sharing them! And good about your mum.

  11. Quite a motley group of interesting pix!

  12. A nice collection of different images that combine your interest in photography.

  13. Wonderful collection of photos. Love the framed autumnal scene and the sunlit conservatory:)

  14. For me, the bike wins outright! You must clear out more often :-)

  15. photos pleines de charme et sensibilité ; avec le texte bien dans le thème "passager[s] du temps, expo vue cette semaine en Auvergne

  16. Excelentes e belas fotografias, gostei.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  17. Catching up on your blog again and looking forward to seeing you at the end of this week, John. As always, your photos just stop me in mid-scroll. The frame in a frame particularly.

  18. I love these occasional omnibus collections of images. The decorated bike is a wonder.


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