
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Changing Lights

The good folk of Cambridge were out in force last night to enjoy the lights of the 2016 e-Luminate festival. Local families mingled with students and tourists and got thoroughly chilled to the bone while familiar buildings were artfully lit with low-energy LED lights.

There were people with big tripod-mounted cameras and others hopefully waving their phones around intending to capture the evening. It seems odd that only two years ago I took a rather bad video of proceedings and put it on YouTube, only for the artist who designed the work to e-mail me asking if he could use the video as it seemed no one else had thought to film it.

Last year I took a rather better video which you can see here if you missed it. I wanted to do something different this time and came up with the image below. You're supposed to scroll down to see the changing colours on the University Senate House, though you can of course click on it if you want to see the whole thing in one go.

Take care.
(and if you were there last night I hope you've thawed out).


  1. Oh, my, that glad you gave the link. That was amazing...and I like the shots here....

  2. How lovely! The video, wow. How did they do those designs? People around were so casual about it, just going about their business. I guess they are accustomed to it?

    Beautiful photos this year as well.

  3. Interesting event! Can't say that I've seen anything like this. Looks like a good way to spend a winter evening!

  4. Those light shows look really interesting! Never seen one myself.

  5. wow Cambridge looks fam=ntastic with LED lights

  6. Your video was dynamic! I personally enjoyed all the light graphics on the buildings but couldn't figure out how it all came together to look so artistic? Never saw such a light show here in the U.S. -- barbara

  7. Wow! What an amazing sight it must be! Love the video and your images from last night.

    Every town should follow suit and brighten our Winters! I hope you have also thawed out John. Thank you for sharing!

  8. What a marvellous idea John - your photographs do it justice I am sure.

  9. Firstly I love all of these shots especially your first atmospheric silhouette shot. Secondly the video is brilliant, tres professional, oh la some of the patterns were amazing, super work John.

  10. Love this light show. Such a great celebration of color.

  11. What a great event - I like the sound of it and enjoyed the video too.

  12. I was fascinated by the video. The images from this year's show are beautiful. What a treat - thanks John!

  13. I love these light shows!!! Jim from Sydney shows them often, and I saw quite remarkable light shows in Rouen, France, last September, but they don't seem very common in the USA.

    You think I have lost my touch with the ladies? Those are fighting words, John.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).