
Saturday 13 February 2016

Odd Shots

Odd shots....some very odd indeed! The question which interests me at the moment is this: When I go out to take pictures is it better to have a preconceived idea of what I'm after - or not? Well, first of all if I don't have some reason to go out then I'll probably sit at home drinking tea and eating biscuits. But once I've got the boots on where shall I go? Then should I stick to my original idea? - Can I stick to my original idea? I've never been a man to get all his ideas from one place. The fact is I always wander off track, literally and figuratively, and I sometimes end up with - well, odd shots.

I went out to photograph some snowdrops
but of course I digressed
to other flowers

dying roses
take on the appearance of 
rusted metal

and rusted metal takes on
an appearance
all of its own,
except when it looks like a prehistoric bird

a cormorant perhaps

and speaking of birds

the robin,
there's one singing in every cottage garden
it seems

and often there's
snowdrops too

or were those in
the Botanic Gardens
in Cambridge?

 there's certainly a fountain
where children play
(and grown-ups play
with images on their laptops)
letting imaginations run wild

so here's
another strange bird
from a tropical forest

and there's a tropical storm brewing
or else
it's just evening falling over

'Night-night, little snowdrops'

Take care.


  1. I love the photo of the fountain that you've played with. Think the flower underneath is a Bird of Paradise - I've seen them growing in South Africa. Must admit I am usually totally without any plans about what I'm going to take photos of though.

  2. You have some great "odd shots" here. Like you, I try to have a goal in mind, but frequently (always?) stray and pick up some odd shots, and they are often my favorites!

  3. a plan needs to start with an idea, needs to start with some pre-meditated thoughts towards a goal! Then just go for it and whatever happens in the interim is pot-luck, bonus maybe.

    I truly love the snowdrops, and your robins. Lucky you can rely on them. Such a lovely sky too; moody I think. Cheers John

  4. But isn't that the beauty of photography? Not knowing what you are going to find every time you venture out with your camera, being enchanted by the light, by shadows, by snowdrops or robins. Things you mightn't even notice if you didn't have your camera.
    I really like your snowdrops, perfect DoF, the robin and that adorable cottage.

  5. It is so beautiful there. I love the things that catch your eye. I have gone out with the camera and a plan, and have often found something that was not planned for at all.

  6. Your dying roses are genius. As is your thatched building and fence.

    I do it both ways. Some times I go to a specific place or specific event intending to take photographs. Other times I just head out of the house with the camera on the car seat beside me (or in my hand if I am walking). But, either way, I try to be ready to deal with whoever or whatever I encounter.

  7. The loveliest roller coaster ride - from roses/rust to tropical blooms/storms...and everything in between! I don't have as time as I'd like to take photos so I do try to walk around with an open mind also to whatever may happen. Que sera, sera as they used to sing...

  8. John, all these shots are just delightful, as is the sequence you have put them in. I seldom have the need to look for a shot. I just go for a walk and the camera, like the dog, likes to tag along. We shoot whatever catches our eye and, like you, add the story after . . .
    after all, you never know what you will find around the bend.

  9. I'm quite jealous of your snowdrops! We are still covered in snow with no end in sight. Sometimes my camera have a thought in mind but always (or usually) we keep our minds open to the possibilities of whatever else is out there. :)

  10. Beautiful pictures, one thing leads to another.

  11. A giant patch of snowdrops -unheard of over here. Still even a few are beautiful.
    Give free rein to the camera, I say.

  12. Beauty in dead roses and rusted metal--

    I love the bird of paradise--maybe the best I've seen of that flower--you were able to capture the bird or at least for me!

    snowdrops so crisp and clean shining thru the dregs of winter--I don't think they grow well here--

    charming little robin--I think one sang in the hedge outside our apartment in Cambridge the week we were there--so thrilled to see the originals--our robins are thrushes and larger.

  13. I like your "off the beaten track" photos -- especially the blue cottage. I am somewhat like you -- I have an idea when I leave for a photo field trip but often get sidetracked -- as I find something I didn't predict but works out just fine. Great post -- barbara

  14. I love the connections between your chosen photographs just like a country walk with new things around every corner. You've inspired me to go for a wander...

  15. That dying rose is much more interesting than I'd have thought, especially after I enlarged the pic a couple of clicks. And I do see your cormorant--you've transformed rust! Very nice.

  16. Envy you the snowdrops! We can only see the tart of the leaves. But I don't envy you the floods. I hope it works out well.

  17. You are so imaginative, John, and you showed having a detour is fruitful when you have curious eyes. I also have seen withered flowers which look liked metallic art when preserved in the cold. The rose is fabulous! The ninth image is Strelitzia. We call it Gokurakuchoka in Japanese meaning Bird of Paradise.

    England seems to have had its record wettest winter. I saw the scenes of flooding including of the Thames. I hope you have not been affected …. at least by the floods.


  18. Good luck to you and your endeavours. Some nice shots.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  19. Brilliant! I say you go off and take 'randoms' whenever you fancy John! Where on earth did you find the 'Bird of Paradise' in your cold weather :)

  20. Nice. Looks lik the possibilities are endless.

  21. I think it's smart to have an idea but then be flexible... even change your mind... as long as you actually do take some photos. ;))

  22. Fantastic photography John ... especially those pretty little snow-drops and the dying rose. I think starting out with an idea is good because it gives us a mission but then to wandering off into other realms and finding something totally different to photograph adds to the day. You live in a beautiful corner of the world so just keep on snapping and savouring the moments.

  23. Again lovely photos.
    Have a nice new week.

  24. One thing leading to another - happy rambling.

  25. I could never just photograph just one subject...but maybe I should try that. But there is so much that is beautiful...I am glad you took interest in other things.

  26. I'm with you - preconceived ideas or not ...
    I think a basic idea combined with an open mind works very well. I'm not structured enough to just see one thing. I'm envious of those snow-drops - all we have had lately is ice roses.

  27. Such a nice series, John. I imagine most of us do both, i.e., head out with a bit of a plan, but remain open to whatever we find along the way.

    When people ask about why I have a photo blog, one of my answers is that I can't do it sitting in my living room. I have to get up and get out of the house.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).