
Friday 18 December 2015

Autumn Leaves....

.....or rather it hasn't left at all.

I've just been sweeping up leaves in my back yard. All the rain we've had hasn't rotted them nor the wind blown them away. What's more I didn't even need to put a jacket on, as it's ridiculously mild today. On coming indoors I found some forgotten pictures from earlier in the year so here they are, reminders of the long, long Autumn season of 2015.

Take care.


  1. Wonderful images. Is the third photo from your back yard?! To me it looks like a magical garden. What is the beautiful plant in the eighth photo?
    Best wishes for peace, health, and happiness during the holidays and all year long.

  2. The color in these! The seventh one, of the colored grass, is my favorite. We too still have many leaves on the ground. We've raked and blown but the wind just carries more in. Exceptionally mild here too, with yesterday being the coldest day of the week with a high in the upper 40's. Still jacket weather.

  3. John, I didn't know there were Tulip Trees (Liriodendron tulipifera) in England until I saw your pictures. Are your photos from Kew Gardens, or has the tree been planted elsewhere? Jim

  4. Are some of these shots in your backyard? If so, nice place. I just finished with the last of the leaves yesterday. My old leaf blower gave up and died this year. With a loud grinding noise and smoke bellowing out from the vents, I unplugged it and gave it a ceremonial burial in the rubbish bin. Not looking forward to buying a new one next autumn. At least he hung in there to end and finished this year's work.

  5. Beautiful memories of the Autumn leaves hanging on John. Nice to think it is the solstice this weekend and soon the buds will be beginning to burst on the trees (well, fairly soon).

  6. It is so nice to be reminded of all this beautiful color.

  7. It's been all but T-shirt weather. Alas it's so grey photography is difficult.

  8. No. 3 is really beautiful. I'm getting pretty fed up with our long fall. It feels like the seasons have somehow gotten stuck.

  9. Same here. Our newspaper tells us today that butterflies can be seen outside. Weird, very weird for December.
    Your photos are lovely!

  10. Autumn is one season I don't mind lasting longer. Nice photos of the fall leaves!

  11. Great photos! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Lovely. Reminds me of why I love autumn and all that dying beauty.

  13. Great variety of autumn leaves. You made me miss autumn and its beauty. Wonderful and very creative photos!

  14. Nice shots...always enjoy autumn leaves.

  15. Autumn remembered! AH! Wonderful memories!

  16. Beautiful leaves, beautiful photographs. I loved the one of ivy and steps especially. Have a Happy Christmas and New Year.

  17. This year I saw autumn leaves on the trees before I went south mid-October, and escaped them in Florida.


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