
Saturday 27 October 2018

The Season Of Change

Tonight we change the clocks back one hour, but it's not just the time that's a-changing. After loitering around for so long, summer has finally taken its leave. The weather is suddenly very changeable with heavy showers chasing across the green land. The summer birds have all departed and the winter thrushes are just beginning to arrive. And of course the trees are changing colour and then shedding their leaves. Here's a selection of photos recording the changes, taken on recent walks around my home locality, including the compulsory thatched cottage and patient old horse.

Take care.


  1. A lovely representation of the current scene John.

  2. Everything is changing now. Today we have rain, wind and some occasional sun. The sky in your first photo is quite dramatic. Nice photos as always, John.

  3. Low autumn sun gives a lovely light! Unlike today here, where there has been no light!

  4. I think we change our clocks tonight too. Thanks for reminding me!

  5. Great photos, John. The tree trunks make a great photo!

  6. Hi John - love the first shot ... but those berries will be loved by some little wintering blighter! No David our clocks go back next weekend ... but gorgeous photos of Autumn arriving ... cheers Hilary

  7. Emjoyed your lovely photos, John....Like Hildary, above, the rose hips caught my eye and reminded me of some in my daughter-in-laws garden that she kindly offered me, - I must go and get them and make the house cheerful for melancholy November!

  8. Lovely photos - our clocks went forward a few weeks ago.

  9. Yes, the fall colors are at their peak where I live, and the rains have begun. I didn't know you set your clocks back in your country too. I thought it was just a silly American thing.

  10. Beautiful greeting cards of fall colors.

  11. Same here, the change of Winter time is also a change to Winter weather. Our grass is frozen white this morning. Wonderful shots John! Enjoy your Sunday.

  12. Finally the leaves are changing here. The weather feels like November, raw and wet. I am loving it, as I am no fan of summer except for the tomatoes and flowers it brings.

  13. Love the cottage with last roses. We (in US) don't change our cocks till next weekend. The path through the woods looks especially inviting.

  14. Love the look of autumn there. Beautiful photos.

  15. the last photo is y favourite one

  16. Beautiful collection of fall changes. We don't turn back our clocks until next weekend. Thanks for your recent visits and comments.

  17. It's suddenly turned freezing here. Hard to adapt when the change is so abrupt. But who can complain when the seasons produce the wonderful colours and scenes you've captured here?

  18. The wonderful photo of the horse is my favourite but they are all lovely.
    We have already seen some snow flakes. :)

  19. Beautiful photos of autumn in your neck of the woods! Our fall colors won't arrive in coastal South Carolina until just before Christmas so I am especially enjoying yours.

  20. Fabulous shots! (It's already snowed here quite a bit...)

  21. Love the change of season shots John, something for everyone. The clouds in first shot are mega impressive! Love the horse silhouetted in sunlight ✨

  22. We change our clocks here in N America on Saturday, so as it's my birthday on Sunday, I get to have a 25 hour birthday! Sweet!

  23. It sure would be hard to chose a favorite shot...but oh, that first one is glorious!


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