
Saturday 6 October 2018

The Entertainers

This post is a big Thank You to all the people who've brightened my visits to the fair city of Cambridge this summer - plus a few from previous years....

Take care.


  1. Great photos, John.

    Was the person in or behind the garbage can?

  2. Such fun musical shots...I can just imagine what tunes were floating on the airs...until the bobble headed musician collapsed to snack in the last shot.

  3. On another do you get comments to show on your blog? I can't figure out what setting I'm missing, and just get a number, none are showing! In case you know how you did it, please share with this frustrated blogger.

  4. Incroyable series here John, what a dramatic first shot, so much fiery flames 😱 so many unique performances! Thank heavens for these talented folk willing to entertain us, sometimes for not much reward ✨

  5. These are great portraits John. The Indian is impressive.

  6. Hi John - what fun ... that garbage can man ... I expect he came out occasionally - or may be there's a back door and he was half in and half out ...but so great to see talented people out and about. Fire dragon throwing - not sure I'd like that ... but wonderful to see ... bobble head too - I guess he must appear at times ... the labrador artist is extremely talented ... wish I could draw and paint! and play music - Cambridge is lucky and thanks for letting us see them ... cheers Hilary

    1. Garbage can man is right inside and stays in there for long periods, which must be uncomfortable in warm weather. The dog sculptor often turns up in town and always does very much the same dog, which always seems a bit of a cheat.

  7. Thanks John for letting me know garbage man stays in his 'pot' for long periods ... horrible thought!! while the dogman does seem a bit of a cheat doesn't he ... repeating his art works ... cheers Hilary

  8. Cambridge seems like a fun place to be!

  9. So much entertainment in Cambridge.

  10. wonderful photos! How in the BLEEP did an American Indian end up there?!? Such an unusual sight, even here in the U.S.

    Quite an array of entertainers.

  11. Great shots of the entertainers. Garbage can man is strange indeed. Cambridge seems to be the place where there's lots going on.

  12. How fun. The Native American was a bit of a surprise. He's a bit off course.

  13. That's quite a range of entertainment! Very interesting place where you live!

  14. I have seen some of these people in various places too. I especially recognised the sand sculptor who made that very same dog on a street in Bath.
    I was going to ask about the garbage man but see that you have given the answer. The garbage can looks as if he is outside Kings College, but imagine all the awful germs and stuff lurking inside it!

  15. Definitely different! The guy in the trash bin is definitely original!

  16. Fabulous shots, as ever, John! Love them all, but the guitarist in the bin (outside King's?) is inspired. I hope he makes a fortune!

  17. You sure have some characters there. A fun post.


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