
Sunday 10 June 2018

Three Gardens In Ely

Several gardens in Ely were opened today as part of the National Gardens Scheme, where gardens not normally accessible to the public are opened for the day for charity. Here are three of the best....

The Bishop's House

Chapel Street

The Bishop Of Huntingdon's Garden

And there was just time to listen to the Kings Lynn Town Band playing in the Jubilee Gardens.

Take care.


  1. Love all the flowers but the roses are exquisite.

  2. Beautiful I love those roses and the gardens look wonderful

  3. Such beautiful roses. I notice the warm weather really brings out their fragrance too.

  4. Your first shots of roses framing the tower of church are stunning. I now am going to work harder on my photography of flowers, she says hanging her head in embarrassment at thinking phone camera shots are ok to post...well, sometimes they work, but I'm sure I can do better, and will just come look at John's beautiful pics any time!

    1. oh Barbsra, there is no shame in phone camera photos! The phones these days are so good on that score. Post away!

  5. sublime photos, sir. I love how you frame the shots with the roses. The garden is spectacular and I wish I were strolling there myself. Thanks for bringing it to us.

  6. Oh I'm swooning John, that first shot is too too gorgeous! Roses are my fav summer blooms. I was very happy to take this walk with you through the Bishops House gardens ✨

  7. Wow, John, you do get to walk around some spectacular gardens there. And your photos are stunning. Thank you for this.

  8. Hi John - stunning ... I need to get to Ely one day ... and obviously make a note of when towns have open garden days ... I must remember when I return. Gorgeous photos - cheers Hilary

  9. Beautiful flowers and great photos!

  10. Beautiful! Look at those gorgeous Foxgloves, - I try every year to get them to re-seed, but it never seems to happen.

  11. Lovely, lovely, lovely. The second image of roses looks a lot like Elizabeth Park's rose gardens in HaRTFORD.


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