
Sunday 3 June 2018

The County Show

From saxophones to sheep-shearing, from tie-dyed T-shirts to tractors, from yesterday's Strawberry Fair to the County Agricultural Show today. As you've probably guessed if you follow this blog I like a bit of variety in my life!

We like strange breeds of animal at "By Stargoose And Hanglands", so here's a Kunekune pig. These small pigs were kept by the Maori people of New Zealand though where they got them from is a mystery as they certainly were not native to that country. In 1976 there were only thought to be 18 of them in the world, but now they are popular pigs to keep as pets due to their small size and friendly temperament - if you want a pet pig that is.

What you're more likely to encounter at the Cambridgeshire Show however are huge machines used on the wide acres of East Anglia.

It's all a long way from the equipment ("tackle" as the old timers called it) when I used to work on a farm.

That's more like it! We used to have an old Nuffield - it had to be started and given a run every day otherwise it "went on strike"!

We stopped for a Cornish pasty and a pint of locally brewed ale before having another walk around.

In the main arena the Welsh Axemen were showing off their skills - and a good deal of strength and effort.

Also going through their paces were the magnificent Shire horses from Home Farm at Wimpole. They made a mockery of the phrase "moving like a cart-horse".

And there was a demonstration of sheepdog handling - always worth watching. But the most exciting entertainment (and nothing whatever to do with farming!) was from the Bolddog Lings motorcycle stunt team.

I have nothing to say about the last few photos, but if I'm sure their mum would say, "For goodness sake......



  1. Those Cornish Pasties are mind-blowingly good - not so sure about the ale though.

  2. Those Cornish pasties sure look good. it seems that every culture has some form of meat inside pastry.....samosas, empanadas, knishes........and all very tasty.

  3. What a great album, from pigs to flying young men on motorcycles! I bet you had a fun time!

  4. If I was their mum I would be absolutely terrified to see them somersaulting through the air on those motorcycles.

  5. This is what I call a genuine English County Show John. How wonderful on a warm spring day. The Shire horses are fabulous the stunt motor cyclists nuts 😀

  6. Wow! That pig is adorable and those motorcyclists are wild. And in between looked like lots of fun!

  7. There's nothing more fun than a county fair in the summer! I've never seen a pig with so much hair and a pleasant expression to boot. Great shots of the motorcycle riders. I bet you were holding your breath!

  8. Good grief. No child of least I try to enforce a no flying on motorcycle rule.

    The pet pigs are cute but not to my liking.

  9. What a cute piggie. Those motorcycle riders are nuts!

  10. It looks like a great time out! I do like fairs like this but can only take so much people-ing!

  11. I do like country shows. When I was a little girl I remember seeing riders on the wall of death, the motorcycle riding looks more dangerous!! Your photos are brilliant, particularly the upside down one.


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