
Tuesday 22 May 2018

Wayside Companions

When not going to places where I know I'll encounter history, wildlife, landscapes or human celebrations of note, I also like to walk from my back door and explore the network of footpaths around my home. These lead me along field edges, through woods, beside streams and to a few small nature reserves. Although I walk alone I often meet with old friends, many of whom I haven't seen since this time last year. It's always good to see them, even if I sometimes can't recall their names and have to look them up in a book when I get home.

No problem with these though. Cow Parsley and Buttercups!

Evergreen Alkanet

A Common Blue butterfly, if I'm not mistaken.

The first Dog Rose I've seen this year.

And some of the first Elder I've seen flowering.

A Four-Spotted Chaser, I presume.

The unmistakable flowers of the Guelder Rose.

A large, red damselfly?
Must be a Large Red Damselfly!

A grown-up Moorhen
and a baby bunny.


Russian Comfrey

I wouldn't recommend sitting right on the path,
my dear Speckled Wood.

Afloat on the little stream I find
none other than Water Crowfoot.

And a Yellow Flag to wave farewell

Take care.


  1. A wonderful mix of flora and fauna. It's such a rich world at the moment :)

  2. That's more or less what I am seeing now. Cow parsley everywhere

  3. It is good to have such pleasant places to walk so close to home.

  4. Lovely. I haven't seen a blue butterfly like that. And what you call a Guelder Rose is what we call a viburnum.

  5. You live in a beautiful location, John. It's a pleasure to walk along with you. Beautiful photos, I enjoy viewing them.
    Thank you.

  6. What colourful encounters you had John. Beautiful.

  7. The seasonal plants and animals and insects are so welcome. Pretty flashy dragonflies -our haven't arrived yet. We'll hope the bunny sticks to eating grass, and not mosey into someone's garden.

  8. You know it is always good to walk around where you live, you never know what you will see, Great close ups what camera do you use?

  9. I love the paths around your home John, even more stunning at this time of the year. Love the dragonfly shots. My Aimee has been trying to get a shot of a dragonfly for ages, as yet unsuccessfully, I'll show her these ☺

  10. I love this walk that you can take right out your back door. So beautiful there.

  11. Such a wonderful mix for us to see.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  12. How wonderful that your friends wait for you to come by! These are some great colors and shapes around your home.

  13. How wonderful to greet such lovey old friends. I saw lots of Alkanet on my travels yesterday plus all the frothy white verges and hedgerows. It's such a beautiful time of year:)

  14. A lovely and varied collection of photos, there's so much to see at this time of year.

    By the way, we have moved in at last! We've just ticking off the last few jobs to be done in the house... then we'll have to turn our attention to the garden which hasn't been touched since July!

  15. A beautiful collection.


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