
Thursday 10 May 2018

A Quiet Garden In Norfolk

When you enter the garden of Stow Hall they give you a map and a guide to the garden. The Hare family moved in in 1553, I read, and there have been several versions of the house, the last being demolished in the 1990s. But they've kept the gardens.....and that was as far as I got. I folded the map and put it in my pocket, surrendered to the silence and just wandered through this lovely tranquil scene...

Wise decision that, choosing the garden over the house. So many people would have sold off the land to finance a big house.

Take care.

(If you want to visit Stow Hall Gardens near Downham Market then it's open on Wednesdays and most Sundays during the summer. Check their website).


  1. Lovely wander through this beautiful garden john.

  2. I wonder how many gardeners it must take to maintain! Such beauty doesn't come without labor, certainly. Thank you for the stroll.

  3. Lovely spot. In some ways it looks vaguely Mediterranean.

  4. So beautiful. It's like a hug from Spring!

  5. What a beautiful garden in which to wander and contemplate. We are well blessed in this country for wonderful gardens to visit.

  6. An inviting place John. Great photos!

  7. A beautiful garden John. What a fabulous place to wander through. Great photos!
    Thank you.

  8. Such a beautiful garden, fabulous photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. What a lovely spot! I like to think of all the gardeners who over the centuries planted their favourite trees, shrubs and flowers. The spiral topiary is not quite right - I can imagine the person trimming it, fussing and getting annoyed, and finally saying,"Oh, what the heck!"and tromping off to an easier part of the garden.

  10. What a gorgeous place! I'd just walk around and enjoy the scenery too.

  11. oh, my goodness, I would love to ramble there....beautiful photos, and I have yet to expand their view. I know I will enjoy them even more..

  12. Ooh, those azaleas and rhododendrons, and wisterias, and tulips...!
    Do you know what the cheerful red flowers behind the tulips (in the last photo) are?
    Thank you for sharing all this beauty!

  13. I can see how you would get sidetracked by the gardens here John, magnificent azaleas and oh la the Wisteria, fabulous! I really must try to grow it, I worry that it's too hot!

  14. A lovely place to wander around. It is all so well kept.

  15. What a beautiful place to take a nice long walk.

  16. That purple flower with the asparagus shape looks just like the camas lily which grows in the Pacific Northwest!

  17. Such a beautiful park with all these flowers.

  18. What a fantastic garden, lovely place to wander :)

  19. WOW what a beautiful place and beautiful photos. I wish my wisteria would grow like that!


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