
Thursday 29 March 2018

Pump Up Tyres And Commence Pedalling

Some photographs from my cycle ride this morning....

Daffodils by the roadside as I entered Bassingbourn

The mini-spire is not a church but the old school.

 Old houses in Bassingbourn

 A field of sheep
an unusual sight in this mostly arable area.

 The brook at Bassingbourn

 Litlington cage
this was the lock-up where miscreants were detained
till they could be formally charged.

 Steeple Morden
The memorial to the men of the RAF and USAF
who were killed while serving here during WWII.
My uncle was stationed here but survived the war,
which is just as well otherwise I'd be short of several cousins.

Today the skies are peaceful above the fields where the airfield once stood.

 A lone runner passes the blooming Blackthorn hedge.

 The church at Guilden Morden.
I had quite a conversation with the 84 year old lady
who was cleaning the church in readiness for Easter.

 Colourful cottages in Ashwell.

 Plant pots on the doorstep.

 Ashwell has its own little museum.
It's on my list of places to go one day -
not a very ambitious bucket-list I'll admit!

 Church of St Mary the Virgin, Ashwell.

 The Zoar Strict Baptist Chapel in Ashwell.

 In Ashwell village.

The wide skies of Hertfordshire.

Take care.


  1. Such beautiful photos and great variety John. Thank you for taking me along.

  2. You live in an enchanting corner of Britain.

  3. I'm so amused that the Litlington lockup still stands!
    Beautiful countryside views and pretty little villages make for picture postcard perfection!

  4. Stunning set of photos, do lik ethe show of daffodils

  5. I have not seen the memorial before John, although I think I saw a photo of Dad with it, maybe? Would have been taken in 1984, I think. Next trip I need to visit there. Thanks for the photo.

  6. You can see a lot on a bike ride in this beautiful area. Love you fabulous photos. The houses are lovely.

  7. England at its best! Love those old houses.

  8. What a grand bicycle ride that was.

  9. A ride through the English countryside always goes down well John. Excellent RAF memorial, very happy your uncle survived, cousins are the best!

  10. A perfect day for a ride! Great to see it through your eyes.

  11. And it was nice weather too, what a bonus! I wonder who the last person was who was locked up at Litlington, and also what did he (or she?) do to deserve that fate?

  12. Looks like a lovely ride on a sunny day. You appear to have more signs of spring than we do up here.

  13. Wonderday sunny day. You have beautiful spring there.

  14. A fine collection of photos. The place where people were kept until charged is awfully small. I guess there was little sympathy for wrongdoers.


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