
Tuesday 20 March 2018

A Garden In March

At the beginning of this year I paid to become a Friend of the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens which gives unlimited admission throughout the year. I set myself the goal of going there at least once each month to record the changes in the garden. This then is the third instalment in my quest.

The weird triffid-like growths in that last photo are the shoots of peony plants, a promise of the beauty to come later in the year.

Take care.


  1. Oh, how lovely. Fabulous photographs.

    All the best Jan

  2. What a great way to insure that you get out and take photos! I love the subjects that you selected for images. What lovely signs of things to come.

  3. Every photo is perfection, John.

  4. How wonderful to be able to walk in there whenever you please. Spring has arrived!

  5. Not only Hellebores or daffodils but also the withered, weathered plants are beautiful. I like the way you showed us the plants both coming and going. So many lovely signs of spring in the garden of March, but I saw winter in the previous post. Today, it’s so cold here in Nara and snowed in Tokyo. Snow on Vernal Equinox is too unusual. But maybe this is the winter’s extreme way of ending as Japanese saying “Nor heat or cold lasts beyond the equinox.” Take care.


  6. wonderful shots. I wanna go with you...

  7. Beautiful photos :) Spring is a little more advanced in your part of the world I see, daffodils here are still buds and looking a bit worse for wear after all the snow we've had in the last few weeks.

  8. Hi John - how wonderful and what a clever idea to be able to walk at will in the botanical gardens - I haven't been to the Cambridge ones. Love the thoughts of the peonies ... while the catkins look amazing, as too the hellibores - cheers and enjoy your forays - Hilary

  9. That's a great idea, it's such a lovely place, I hope to visit this summer.

  10. Really nice light in photo no.2. Certainly a big patch of daffodils. The hellebores look pretty among the scillas. The gardens will give you lots of inspiration for your photos.

  11. Beautiful photos, such a good idea to return often to see the changes each season brings. The peony shoots there are over twice the size of the peony in our garden, it's one of my favourite flowers:)

  12. These photos are such a vision of beauty. On a rainy gray morning here on the north coast of California, it brightens my day just to see this. Thank you.

  13. Too, too wonderful John. A membership to the Botanical garden is a brilliant idea!


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