
Monday 5 February 2018

Snowdrops And Other Small Friends

Just one month ago there were two small clumps of snowdrops in the village wood. As in other years they were just the warm-up act for the show that was to follow. All around the village there are tiny specks of optimism springing from the wet, cold ground.


Take care.


  1. Oh John. It looks glorious.

    We had cold and snow, now rain. Lots of flooding here today.

  2. Lovely. I'd love to see a carpet of aconite like that, I've never seen one around here!

  3. How lovely...your spring is much earlier than ours, sigh!

  4. These earliest of spring flowers do the spirit good don't they John?

  5. Ah... the first colors of spring. So beautiful!

  6. Snowdrops mark the new year with new life coming through, they ad a beauty to the winter

    1. Thanks for your reply on my post, as I said I can relate to what you said. Have a read

  7. A colourful awakening of beauty. Your photos are amazing, John. Well done!

  8. Exquisite close-up shots of your local flora John - so pretty! Happy week to you.

  9. Never tire of seeing springs harbingers! Gloriously heartening floral gems!

  10. Beautiful, joyful spring flowers.

  11. THat's a huge aconite bed you have there, bigger than anything I've seen here! Beautiful.

  12. Those are stunning pictures. Spring is so early for you! I'm mentally comparing your Snowdrops and Aconite to our foot of snow!

  13. Hi John - fantastic photos - makes me nostalgic for England ... still perhaps there are crocuses here ... we have snowdrops and I'm sure daffodils ... et al - I gather as far as blossom is set up - we're about 3 weeks behind Victoria, Vancouver Island and we're not that far north ... must check!! Cheers Hilary

  14. Spring really is like a floral miracle that never lets us down 🌼🌷🌹💮🌸

  15. Cheerful, cheering photos of the spring flowers and snowdrops. Of course, we are still seeing the other kind of snowdrops : 10- 15 cms predicted for tomorrow. Maybe our long winter makes the spring flowers all the sweeter when they do bloom.

  16. I'm very fond of the little white snowdrops, the first flower of the very early spring. None here yet, too much snow on the ground.

  17. How exciting, the first flowers of spring. And a nice variety of colors. What are the yellow ones.

  18. Wow - so beautiful! Can't believe spring is there already!

  19. Its like a fairy land. Just beautiful. Your photos a super good. Did you get a wet tummy lying down? Could you get up again? Photography can get tricky at times.

  20. Not far from where I live was a little house where the front lawn was a carpet of vivid blue scilla every spring. I always meant to take a photo but never did, and now the little house has been sold, knocked down and the land bulldozed flat, waiting for some new construction to start. And I'm wondering if the scilla has survived the destruction. When the snow melts, I'll walk by to see.

  21. In front of this beauty, I'm almost speechless.
    (We have 30 inches of snow and counting.)
    The last photo is my favourite... with the light that speaks to me just now.

  22. You warm my heart John. I have some Lenten roses blooming along the front fence, and the early peonies are pushing their little scarlet stubs through the cold earth, but today was the first time I had seen sunshine and blue skies for simply ages....thank you for the lovely early spring flowers.

  23. such astounding beauty!! These pictures make me so happy. Thank you!

  24. Looks like spring is springing all over the place over there! Hopefully, it won't be too long till it starts here.

  25. Beautiful shots, John! Like them all, but will call out #8... beautifully shallow DoF and blurred background. Well done!

  26. delightful spring flowers John - you've captured them beautifully


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