
Tuesday 2 January 2018

A Windows Update

Once upon a time, many years ago, I regularly used to post lots of pictures of windows. Lately there haven't been so many, though the obsession hasn't gone away and I seem to have accumulated quite a collection.

Flowery window 

Bus window

 Cottage window

College window

 Shed window

 Cinema window

Half-timbered window

 Brick window

Modern window

And we certainly must not forget this important man.....

Take care.


  1. I always love this feature. So much to "see" in these windows and so many moods. Flowery window and college window real favorites here, but they all are special.

  2. I love taking photos of doors but I think you've just given me a new direction!
    These are great especially the cinema and college windows!

  3. I love seeing your window photos. All tell and reflect a story.

  4. The cottage window is my favourite!

  5. Over the years I have become a fan of photos of doors and windows. This is a wonderful variety!

  6. I love your first "flowery window." Nice collection.

  7. Lovely windows, though who would brick up a window in a wooden building?

  8. On a cold January day, I have to say the two with bright flowers are most appealing. I also like the half-timbered window and the brick window (which needs some kind of story or poem written about it).At first,I thought the cottage window had security mesh but no, it's just little panes - much better.

  9. A great collection of windows. Occasionally I will come across some interesting windows and snap a photo of them too.
    I like the title but we all know that is a different kind of window. :)

  10. Great post and a wonderful collection of windows, - don't have any half as interesting in our village.

  11. Lovely windows, all of them. Love all those flowers in the first window. Must have been a significant birthday celebrated in that house. I was smiling at the bricked up window.... I guess they couldn't find an old sheet of plywood to do the job.

  12. A great collection John, the College window is my favourite. I like the addition of the window cleaner as well. I have a few photos of doors, I might do a post of them.

  13. Excellent collection, an artist knows how to capture the image, and then compose a blog with a feel of a story...that's you.

  14. You have so many different windows in your collection. Fun to see and the final one me make me laugh.

  15. I love windows AND doors...but don't take that many pics of them. Really enjoyed these.

  16. I look at windows but never thought to take photos of them

  17. It's lovely to see more of your gorgeous window shots John. It's funny, they're everywhere but we, not you 😀, don't see them. I bet more of us will now though 😋

  18. I love these windows !!
    And I wish you very Happy New Year, my friend.


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