
Friday 20 October 2017

The Beauties Of Gloom, Drizzle And Decay

A murky and drab end to the week here in Eastern England. The sensible thing to do would be to curl up with a good book, or even tidy up the house, but I was seized by a sudden desire to go out for a walk. Once outside I realised that, because I'd been busy looking after my late mother for the last year or so, it was a long time since I'd been out on such a day. Strange to say I really enjoyed myself and found several small beacons of beauty shining through the mist and drizzle.

The old shed down by the River Mel is still there

Little fun guys climbing up on each other's shoulders
to climb up the tree

Leaves like red tears

A small bridge being gobbled up by the vegetation

Trees joining hands in a country dance
(or poles which have grown up around a tree-stump cut off at ground level)

A tiny yellow parasol
throws up a little sunshine

Field edge

Polished tree trunks and golden flakes

A small but determined backpacker

A feast for winter-visiting birds

Richness and variety

Better late than never! A buttercup bravely blooming in late October down on Shepreth Moor.

Take care.


  1. Your rainy day walk yielded some lovely treasures!

  2. I'm so glad you went for this walk. The sights and your captions are wonderful!

  3. You have not lost your wonderful photographic ability John - these are lovely and your explanations so poetic.

  4. I enjoyed your descriptions as much as your wonderful images John.. that was a wet weather bonanza of visual treats for us, merci beaucoup ✨

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Even a walk in drizzly weather gives a lot of energy. Your photos are lovely, John.

  7. Hi John - lovely set of photos ... and story line ... remind me of days of damp walks ... a delight - enjoy being able to get out and about again ... though you'll be adjusting as the days and months go by ... all the best and have a peaceful weekend - Hilary

  8. That was a most enjoyable walk! I smiled at all your wonderful captions!

  9. nice to see a buttercup in automn !

  10. It's wonderful to go out and walk no matter how dreary the weather is. I absolutely love that barn in the first photo. It looks like a painting.

  11. I love being out in the woods on a misty day. Looks like you found lots of lovely photo subjects.

  12. Such gorgeous finds on a wet day, John! Glad you didn't stay home!

  13. You really captured all the beauty in a wet fall day!

  14. It is nice to be out walking on a soggy day, and then go home to dry off and warm up. We had the same weather this week, but I didn't mind it for a change of pace.

  15. Wonderful photos and I love your captions for them too:)

  16. Beautiful, beautiful photos!! Somehow the sombre colours of fall seem to take on a great richness.

  17. Wonderful photos and texts. The autumn colours glow and radiate mystery. There seems to be much beauty in the English mist and drizzle. :) In these days, I have heard several people quoting Roger Miller: "Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet."

  18. Its the best thing to do John never mind the weather.
    "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing."

  19. I like all your finds during your walk on a misty wet day. Your photos are so evocative. Though muted in colors, they are not dark or dull at all, on the contrary they are rich and matured. I like your captions which are poetic or humorous.


  20. You shame me. I put my camera away on most rainy days.

  21. The first photo is stunning. Well, all of them are, actually. But that first one, I really love.

  22. Beautiful photos and you have such an eye for details. My favorite is the fungi climbing on one another's shoulders to climb the tree.

  23. Beautiful, simply beautiful

  24. Oh, do have a way with words. So many phrases that I just love here, love the way they describe the photos.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).