
Thursday 21 September 2017


Another turn in the road, another view ahead. Different, but all part of the same journey. Just over a week ago my mother, whom I've been caring for in her home for the past year, died in her sleep.

She wouldn't have wanted me to bore you with the details of her illness; but she would have liked me to share some of the stories from her life and I shall endeavour to recall some of them over the next few months.

But first I need to attend to the arrangements for her funeral and clear her house of fifty years of accumulated possessions. Luckily I'm not as alone as the man in the picture at the head of this page; I have my brother here to help me through and many of my mother's neighbours are also lending a hand.

When that's all done I'll be going back to my own house which has been standing empty and unloved for too long. Then I have a lot of walks, bike rides and places to visit, as I've been unable to leave my mother at all for much of the last year. 

But, apart from the last month or so, it's been a good year, one I wouldn't have changed.

Flo Hagger
19th January 1930 to 13th September 2017

Take care.


  1. So sorry to hear of the passing of your mother, John.
    I hope you find grace and comfort for the coming days and I look forward to your posts about your mother's life.

  2. My sincere condolences, John. You are in our thoughts.

  3. So sorry to hear of your loss. Mothers are the lodestar in the constellation of life. My own, also named "Flo" will be 93 Saturday. It will be a bittersweet day as the love of her life, my dad, passed three years ago Friday.

  4. Sorry for your loss, John. A beautiful lady indeed! I care for my elderly mother (she lives with us in our home) and I have a lot of compassion for those who care for their elderly loved ones. It's not an easy job, but it's life enriching!!

  5. Sorry to hear this but I'm glad you have had a good last year with her and the end came peacefully.

  6. My condolences, John. It's not an easy thing. My father passed three years ago. It is still raw.

  7. Sincere condolences, John. No matter your age or hers, it is never easy to lose your mother. You have great memories which include the last year. These will help you through the days ahead.

  8. Your mom, Flo had an interesting face--a spritely look about her. There are no easy shortcuts through these times--be kind to yourself, as I'm sure you were kind to her.

  9. So very sorry to hear about your mother.

  10. I am sorry for your loss, John. It will be nice to read about her life in your posts here.

  11. Very sorry for your loss John. I can't say I know how you feel as I still have my parents (who are in their eighties now). It is something I now think about (how I would cope without them). Your sentiments above were lovely "another view ahead". Take care.

  12. So sorry for your loss, John. I do look forward to reading the stories of your mother's life. Thinking of you and sending condolences from Roger and me.

  13. Very sorry to read of your mom's passing, John. How nice that you were able to care for her! I also look forward to reading your stories about her life.

  14. c'est triste, bon courage ! connaître le passé de votre maman permettra de nous instruire et nous guider * chaque vie est précieuse * merci de nous la raconter

  15. Many, many condolences for your loss.

  16. I am so sorry John. Lovely of you to put her photograph on your post - she looks such a lovely lady.

  17. Oh John, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I'm sure your company was a great comfort to her. That is a lovely serene photograph of her.

  18. So sorry John to hear this very sad news. Your presence with her was priceless and I'm sure she was very proud of you for all the comfort you provided.

  19. I'm sorry for your loss. But also I am really glad that you were able to be with your mother when she was ill, that she was able to stay in her home and that she died in her sleep. Our loved ones never leave our hearts . I hope writing about her brings you smiles and comfort.

  20. I was sad to read of your Mother's death, John. I'm glad you got to spend time with her at the end of her life. I love your photo depicting another kind of end. My sympathy from CO.

  21. So glad you were able to take the time to be there for her over that year. A very big contribution of love on your part. Hope you have lots of happy memories to carry you on.

  22. Dear John and your brother - I feel for you ... I had a similar experience ... and definitely the time spent in these last months or years is so worth while. It will be lovely to hear your memories of your mother, Flo's life. The time now will not be so sad as you will both have lovely thoughts about her life and probably many of these recent times - when neighbours and friends were/are able to share too.

    The finalities take their time ... but I'm sure the funeral will be very uplifting for you all ... while the necessary clearing out and leaving of her home ... will let you rekindle your own nest and retrieve your own life - take time and relive the memories ... all the very best to you both - Hilary

  23. So sorry to hear your news, John. It sounds as though she was lucky to have a son like you, and I do believe it is a privilege that some people are part of our lives for awhile. You and your brother are also lucky to have each other - having experienced a similar thing myself, I don't think I could have done it without my brother; it was bad enough as it was. You look after yourself.

  24. Sorry to hear of your mom's passing. I suspected that was the reason for your long absence. Glad you were able to be there for her. We missed you and look forward to the tales, bikes rides and long walks.

  25. Sending my sympathy in this hard time. You have a difficult emotional job ahead of you. Hang in there. My mum was Flo too and not unlike your mum in looks. A head full of memories and experiences.

  26. My condolences, John. You must have been a great comfort and delight to your monther this past year.

  27. Caring for one's parent(s) is very challenging, and rewarding. My condolences. I hope, as you move forward, you're at peace knowing you did all you could.

  28. Sincere condolences. I too think the months you were able to spend with your mother meant very much for her and for you. I wish you beautiful walks and rides and lovely moments in your garden!
    Now I'm off to read the more recent posts... and have added your blog to my sidebar and will not be in danger anymore of not noticing your new posts. :)

  29. I am so sorry for your loss...I am on blog break right now and had not seen this. Was just checking in on a few blogs.

  30. Very sorry, John. You can content yourself with the knowledge that you were an excellent son and gave her wonderful care as her end neared.

  31. I'm so sorry that your mother has passed on. You are a good son to have taken care of her the way you have. My mom has been in a care home since August 1 when she broke her hip and have been going back and forth since then to take care of he. It's wearing but I also am glad I can do it.

  32. My sincere condolences to you and your brother John. A little late as I have been on holiday but the sentiment is sincere.
    I am looking forward to reading of your memories and the stories about your dear Mother.
    Take care.

  33. John, I am just now catching up with your blog. I cannot wait to read all the posts about Aunt Flo. Such a fine woman, full of stories, full of love, especially for her two sons. I am so glad you are posting these stories of her life. Hugs and love, Cousin.

  34. She was the coolest Aunt ever! I loved having her here when she and Uncle Ted came over and I enjoyed every one of her conversations. You guys did good, John. God bless you and Les! I can't wait to read more. Love you cousin!


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