
Friday 10 March 2017

Blossoms And Blooms

Signs of spring encountered on a stroll yesterday afternoon when the weather was superb.

Take care.


  1. The spring flowers are always so cheering.The pink cherry (?) blossoms are especially lovely. I like the solitary crocus doing what it does best no matter where it lives.

  2. Welcome back!

    Spring! Glorious spring! We live in hope here!

  3. Hi John - stunning photos ... we eventually got sun down here - now it's thick mist again! Still our sun will return to the south coast - at least I presume it will! I do love crocuses ... but all these - nature is bringing us joy ... I hope all is well with you - cheers Hilary

  4. A wealth of beauty with you too! I love your second photo especially!

  5. So good to see spring arriving with such beautiful blossoming colors there. Also very glad to see a post here and know that you've been out walking and photographing these lovely pics.

  6. The weather was superb as are your splendid photographs!

    Welcome back,John.

  7. Nice to see you back here, John. Your photos are lovely, we will have to wait a few weeks to see these!

  8. Beautiful views! I'm interested in why the dark purple crocuses like to cluster more closely than other colours? Or am I imagining this. Swear I see it here too.

  9. Glad you're back John, you have been missed. Your beautiful photos gladden the heart.

  10. The blooms are lovely! Glad you're getting some spring flowers where you live.

  11. It is wonderful to see a post and see these beautiful that sky. Love those bright colors!

  12. Beautifully composed and focused shots, John. Hope all is well.

  13. Nice to see your post. Wonderful pictures of spring! Your seasons are a long way ahead of ours.

  14. How beautiful and the sky is so blue:)

  15. You're back, hooray! Beautiful flowers, especially against that deep blue sky.

  16. You are much further along on Spring that we are! Such a cold winter here! Spring is always my most anticipated season, and especially so this year.

  17. Oh, you are back John. And with Spring!! - who is most recalcitrant about visiting our part of the world...... Thank you for the lovely photos, and thank you for sharing!

  18. Your floral signs of spring are absolutely gorgeous.... reminding me of my country childhood in Devon! Unfortunately, no Spring showing it's face here in S Ontario yet. In fact the last couple of days have been -12C and now we have the forecast of 25cm of snow..... Oh Joy!!!!

  19. So nice to hear from you on this blog. Welcome back with the light, colors, and fragrance of early spring.


  20. These lovely flowers bring the spring also to my room, even if the weather here is not so nice and no flowers yet.


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