
Monday 27 March 2017

Barrett Browning, Snowboard and Rip Van Winkle

On Sunday afternoon I went for a stroll with my brother and my mother around Thriplow in Cambridgeshire to view some of the thousands of daffodils that line the village roads. We could have gone the week before and joined the crowds at the Thriplow Daffodil Weekend, but the miserable weather dampened our enthusiasm. Though the craft stalls, music and morris dancers are no longer there, the daffodils are still putting on a show. In fact access is a lot easier without the jostling crowds (especially for wheelchair users like Mum).

Some people wonder how they always manage to plan the daffodil weekend to coincide with a fine display of daffs. Probably it's because they have so many kinds and they don't all flower at the same time. And Barrett Browning, Snowboard and Rip Van Winkle are just three varieties which have been added recently and had small signs to enlighten uneducated visitors like myself. For the record Barrett Browning is photo 3, Rip Van Winkle is number 6, while Snowboard is the eighth picture from the top.

Take care.


  1. Daffodils are great. So bold in colour and shape, and so many interesting varieties. Looks like it was a lovely day for an outing.

  2. Hard to choose a favourite! Gorgeous!

    I am glad your Mum was up for an outing!

  3. Your lovely flower photos really brightened my morning!

  4. Those "stellar explosion" daffodils would have been new to me if I hadn't seen a load of them in the library garden this morning!

  5. Hi John - lovely to see you and your brother out with your mother enjoying the Spring and daffodils ... I can see the Rip Van Winkle one ... Snowboard too and the Barrett Browning - good names ... lovely photos .. cheers Hilary

  6. Wonderful to see all those beautiful daffodils there. I had no idea there were so many varieties, and all grand. So nice that your mum was able to join you and your brother for this walk.

  7. What a great show, though I'm sure the Morris dancers add to the fun - I wonder if there's not a variety named after them?,!! Rip Van Winkle is my favourite!

  8. A wonderful series of daffodils John. I never new that there were so many varieties. Daffodils are popping up all over here too. My favorite is the Rip Van Winkle.

  9. These are beautiful...glad you were able to get your mom out. I bet she enjoyed seeing all of these flowers.

  10. Remarkable variety and beauty of daffs!

  11. Oh my! I see a few I have or used to have. The Limerick daffodil--now I realize I've actually visited the place of its name! Love seeing Les' better side :)

  12. nice to see the varieties of daffodils * a sun-shine in the green of spring * and on the last photo a beautiful way !

  13. Lovely post and thank you too - you've enlightened me - my grandmother has rip van winkle daffodils in her garden and we were wondering what variety they might be as they're quite different! Now I know.

  14. Your lovely pictures send me out into the garden to see if I can't find even one bud on the daffs, - spring is so late this year, but anticipation is in full swing!

  15. Beautifully done! Our bloom was meager and short this year, possibly because of a mild winter.

  16. A wonderful outing, and I think making the rounds without the press of crowds made it more enjoyable.

  17. Interesting names, and the variety of daffodils is wonderful.
    I planted and grew many varieties all the years I live in Minnesota. When I moved to South Carolina, I had to have daffodils in front of my new home and planted six fancy varieties last fall. Alas, I planted them 6-8 inches deep as you must in Minnesota to keep them from freezing over winter. Well, that is too deep in this climate and my daffs are just now blooming, a month after everyone else's! Live and learn ....

  18. At least you (and we!) where able to enjoy the daffodils, and thank you for thet. Over here they are not quite ready yet.

  19. Oooops I thought I had posted a comment but apparently not. Daffs are my favourite spring flower but sadly they don't last very long here in S Ontario, as spring often morphs into hot summer after about a week, and that finishes the daffs off. Love those sunshine colours.

  20. The daffodils seem to have been particularly lovely everywhere this year. So many varieties now too. Great names!

  21. So many beautiful varieties, 1,4 and 8 are my favourites. I agree with Jennyfreckles, it seems to have been a good year for daffodils, they have been gorgeous in my little corner of Essex. What a lovely outing for your mum.

  22. I enjoyed your wonderful crisp photos of the daffodils. Or Narcissi. Or Jonquils. So confusing.


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