
Wednesday 3 August 2016

Flowers And Showers

My "cunning plan" to visit the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge every month soon foundered in the face of life's realities. That, however, is no reason not to visit in August. It was wet and grey yesterday too, but again that's no reason to stay indoors and sulk. So this is what I saw and photographed.....

All taken in the light but persistent drizzle in which England specialises. Surprisingly the gardens were far from deserted. I was not alone.

Take care.


  1. There are some lovely vibrant colours here, they often show up better in low light levels too.

  2. How lovely, the rain somehow enhances the colours of the flowers and adds a wonderful dimension to your photos:)

  3. I like a walk in the rain! I have to agree with Rosie and Rowan about the photos here!

  4. Hi John - wonderful shots - loved them ... it was bucketing here yesterday - not weather to go out in ... Those photos with the life giving rain drops are a beautiful sight to see ... cheers Hilary

  5. What a nice set of beautiful photos. The wetness added its magical touch to the flowers.
    Enjoy the day!

  6. An abundance of beautiful blooms John and a sight for sore eyes.
    Of course whilst England gets drizzle, we in Ireland have soft days which are much the same :-)

  7. Fabulous shots, John. I expect no less, rain or shine. But you do get extraordinary depth.

  8. The rain added a beautiful quality to the photos. That purple flower among the fuzz is gorgeous!

  9. jardin botanique encore plus précieux avec les gouttes d'eau * merci d'avoir bravé la pluie pour tous ! ici grand soleil & bien sec !

  10. The tiny drops make them look special. Each weather condition has its charms :)

  11. Wet days are much better for flower photography. Great images!

  12. Wonderful to see all those flowers and raindrops. Sometimes it's good to take a walk in the drizzly rain.

  13. Floral images look so much better with a drop of rain on John.

  14. There's something enchanting about a garden after it's just finished raining. The way that flowers manage to catch the raindrops is always great for some stunning photos, and you got some gorgeous ones here! Love the flashes of colour too. - Tasha

  15. These are even better looking with the water droplets so in essence you made some lemonade out of a lemon of a day. Well done!

  16. I think the rain made the photos even more beautiful!

  17. The pictures are beautiful. Life is not all sunshine....

  18. Beautiful pictures in your rainy weather! Wish it would rain here.

  19. The colours glow despite - or because of - the muted light.

  20. You've captured the raindrops beautifully and the flowers are determined to be colourful run or not!

  21. Well done for persevering with the typical weather. The gardens and your photos are beautiful. Often dull days bring out the best colours and the raindrops are so photogenic.

  22. Such beautiful captures John - and wonderful rewards for braving the elements! Thank you for sharing.


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