
Thursday 2 June 2016

Favourite Gardens, Favourite Flowers

What's next? Something to brighten the rather dull, grey and rainy week we're having here in England......

Colourful borders at Peckover House in Wisbech.

A garden in the grand manner at Wrest House; pavillions, water, lawns and statuary are perhaps more important than the flower beds.

The Abbey Gardens at Bury St Edmunds. I love the way that the trees and flowers compliment each other - and the fact that you can wander through or sit down here without any charge!

You knew we'd arrive at Cambridge's Botanic Gardens before long....

.....and we'll linger for another picture too.

A low-lying mist of bluebells in the gardens of Christ's College, Cambridge.

Rambling Englishness at Docwra's Manor in Shepreth.

Hatfield House has several marvellous gardens but it was this semi-wild meadow that caught my eye.

A unique piece of planting at Anglesey Abbey, just outside Cambridge.

And finally two pictures from Bressingham Gardens, near Diss, the garden of the aptly-named plantsman, Alan Bloom. He transformed his father's small horticultural business into one of the largest wholesale plant suppliers in the UK, exhibiting at Chelsea Flower Show from 1931 onwards. He bought Bressingham Hall in 1946 and began collecting steam trains in 1962. He died at Bressingham in 2005, aged 98. Proof, if any were needed, that gardening is good for you.

Take care.


  1. Hi John - stunning photos .. and I was delighted to see the Abbey Gardens in full bloom - I've only seen them in Halloween time ... or thereabouts ...

    Gorgeous - and definitely inspiring me to get out visiting gardens and the countryside ... cheers Hilary

  2. Beautiful, pictures to cheer up what is a dull and very cold day here John. Those herbaceous borders were surely taken last year?

  3. I just had to stop by and see these wonderufl photo's.
    We sure do have a green, pleasant and wonderful colourful too.
    I must try and visit Bressingham Gardens ... it's certainly on my list of places to visit.

    All the best Jan

    1. Oops keypad typo ... that should read wonderful photo's, but then you'd probably guessed that!!!

      Happy Thursday

      All the best Jan

  4. Such gorgeous colour and settings. A calming way to start the day. Thank you.

  5. Beautiful images. Thanks for sharing them.

  6. Your images are so bright and colorful! Thanks for sharing!

  7. The English know how to do a garden, always have. I really like that photo from Anglesey Abbey.

  8. Love these photos. Especially the white trees in the magenta colored flowers. The border beds are such a lovely mix of colors! Seeing these is the next best thing to being there. Thanks.

  9. Wonderful flowers in riots of summer colors! They are so beautifully displayed. I especially like the white birches in the sea of pink.

  10. Fabulous garden pix! Those birch trees and the underplanting are amazing!

  11. These are all quite beautiful. I truly love The Abbey Gardens at Bury St Edmunds.

  12. Everything is so lush over there. Great colors.


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