
Sunday 12 June 2016

A Museum

A museum with.....

......domestic interiors like this.....

.....a fine windmill like this.....

....Romany caravans like this.....

......and a walled garden like this.

A museum with.....

.....workbenches like this....

....a watermill like this.....

....mighty machines like this.....

....and old shops like this.

A museum with.....

.....a grand house like this....

......rare breeds like this....

....old machinery like this.....

....and nature walks like this.

A museum with....

 .....a blacksmith's forge like this....

 .....a rustic chapel like this...

 .....landscaping like this.....

.....and even works of art like this.

The Museum Of East Anglian Life

worth a day
of anybody's time.

Take care.


  1. I am fascinated with the Romany caravans. Life on the road like a travelling gypsy. Sounds great.

  2. Such a great tour. Love the visit this morning.

  3. What a wonderfully evocative place John. I liked your photographic tour which gave us a good taster.

  4. It's a great place isn't it? I've been there many times as my son and his family lived in Stowmarket at one time and they are still not that far away.

  5. What a nice tour you gave with all your photos. I would have no problem spending a day at that museum. Hmm, I'll put that on my must see list!

  6. What an interesting and beautiful place. These photos make me wish that I could fly and just drop in to take a nice long look.

  7. Looks wonderful! Thanks for the tour.

  8. I remember visiting many years ago. It is a wonderful and interesting museum:)

  9. This is the museum I’d like to visit as there are so many things I like and am interested. The overall atmosphere is evocative. The last sculpture is terrific. I imagined how Don Quixote would react to see it other than the windmill.


  10. Marvelous museum to preserve the past. Thanks for sharing, John - would love to see it in person but your photos are the next best thing....

  11. Seems like a most interesting museum. Not as fancy as the ones at Yale, admittedly, but still interesting.

  12. You've sold it to me. It's now on my ' List' . Thanks John!

  13. The kitchen in the first photo - so much atmosphere.
    So much to see in one place. Great pigs!

  14. I worked at a forge similar to that during my apprenticeship it was ok during the winter you know....

  15. This museum looks quite a bit like Old Sturbridge Village, in Massachusetts, just across the state line from Connecticut. The founder of American Optical Company, a local eyeglass lens maker, got interested in the history of New England as it transitioned from an agrarian culture to an industrial society around 1820 - 1840. He bought a large plot of land and began buying up buildings that were in danger of being torn down. They were restored and rebuilt at Old Sturbridge. One can spend a day or multiple days walking around and visiting the exhibits.

  16. Gosh I'll say worth a days visit John, I'm tres happy to see these glimpses through your eyes. The sculpture is astounding! Home life back then seems so much simpler!


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