
Wednesday 30 March 2016

Time For Some Tulips

I've managed to get to the Cambridge University's Botanic Gardens in each month so far this year and hope to continue this throughout 2016, whether I make it or not remains to be seen - I'm not the greatest at sticking to my plans and tend to veer off in unexpected directions. 

Anyway here's March's instalment in the life of the Gardens, focussing particularly on the display of tulips in the glasshouses.

Of course, I wandered around outside too and I might just find some more pictures in a day or two......

Take care.


  1. Gorgeous colours. Happy March!

  2. Stunning colour and photography.

  3. Now that looks like an interesting place to visit!

  4. Fabulous photos of a wonderful place. Oh, those colours and that light!

  5. The cheerful smiles of the luminous and colorful tulips! I like all of your tulip photos here, which made me hardly able to wait to take some photos of tulip myself at my planned place, though I could veer off spontaneously. Prior to that, I’m restless and excited to go for Sakura (cherry blossoms)in their ephemeral bloom for the time being.


  6. That's a great plan, to visit each month for a whole year! Lovely photos.

  7. So vivid, and the way the colours bleed is amazing!

  8. Such beautiful colors. What a wonderful look at spring!

  9. There is nothing quite as spectacular as a good display of tulips - they are such beautiful colours aren't they John.

  10. Beautiful photos John - but then, I love tulips.

  11. Isn't it amazing how many different types of tulips there are.

  12. That's a great variety, and in all stages of bloom.

  13. I especially like no. 5 and the last one, but, of course, all the tulips are attractive and cheerful.

  14. Beautiful shots of beautiful blooms all very Springlike.

  15. Such vibrant colors! Nothing says spring like a pot of tulips.

  16. What a lovely array of tulips, John, - our early outside bulbs have bloomed, and the mid-seasons are about to burst forth. Such a wonderful promising season....

  17. Wow! What stunning flowers. (Thanks for correcting me on my wildlife error)

  18. Hello John - my first visit to your blog.
    I've seen your name around many of the blogs I visit and when I saw tulips (I love tulips) - I thought I must pay you and your blog a visit.

    You really have photographed a lovely array and gorgeous colours too.

    Hope the weekend is a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

  19. A delightfully colourful collection here John - thank you for sharing the beauty.

  20. Too gorgeous! Are they all types of tulips? Who knew there were so many! Beautifully shown here John, merci beaucoup!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll try to answer any questions via a comment or e-mail within the next day or two (no hard questions, please!).