
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Orchids - You Can't Have Too Many.

A few more pictures of orchids from the Orchid Festival at the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens......

The allure of these beauties was so great that I didn't want to stop taking photos. Eventually I found myself at the far end of the glasshouse range with the exit door ahead of me. I pushed it open and went outside. And what did I do then? I wandered around the outside and started taking shots through the misty, condensation-streaked windows. Mad but true.

Take care.


  1. Such beautiful photos!
    The ones taken through the windows are my favourites.

  2. Beautiful flowers! The flowers seen through the windows are awesome.

  3. Such beautiful shapes, markings and colours. The last photo through the window of the glasshouse is lovely:)

  4. I love the external images as much as the internal. Great job!

  5. What wonderful pictures for those of us who are huddled inside after a big snowstorm!

  6. Beautiful! And the photos through the windows are very creative.

  7. Too many---never !! These are gorgeous !
    They positively glow. I love through the glass effect.

  8. I was stunned to find a few bee orchids in my local nature reserve up the hill in 2014. None last year though. Let's see how this year goes.

  9. They have such beautiful flowers. One can never grow tired of admiring them.

  10. Orchids are so beautiful. I've been reading about them lately because I want to transplant one I have that has been languishing in the same pot for five years. It still blooms every year, but it is struggling. They are such interesting plants, and not very easy to figure out how to re-pot. Their beauty is so evocative. Your photos capture it perfectly.

  11. So lovely and beautiful flowers. Sometimes I have some in my home, and they stay for a long time.. even in my hands.

  12. Beautiful, bright and colourful photos!

    You can see a bit more of the kazoo making on the wild blog here -

    If you really want to know how to make one (it's very quick and simple!) I will happily send you a photo of my finished object with a brief 'how to'!

  13. I pride myself on being very good with pot plants but orchids, which i love, I have no success with at all. Love them in your photos though John.

  14. Such variety of colour and shapes. I never can keep them blooming, wish I could.

  15. They are so beautiful these orchids. I can imagine what a great festival it was. You took the amazing photos of these beautiful flowers!!!

  16. I totally agree...and so love that last shot!

  17. Beautiful photos. I love the outside ones too!

  18. No. 3 looks like some wild butterfly. No. 5 might be friendly ghost orchid. I think no. 6 is my favourite.

  19. A delightful set of images John! How imaginative of you to take pics from the 'other side'!

  20. Somehow I missed this post. Nice collecting of images, growing increasingly impressionistic!

  21. They are indeed very alluring John :)

  22. I've never tried to grow them myself, but I do love to see them in gardens. They come in so many colors and shapes!

  23. I think the shots through the streaky windows rank up there with the Impressionist painters!


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